Georgia Capital Shareholder and Market Opportunity Overview slide image

Georgia Capital Shareholder and Market Opportunity Overview

GEL MILLION AGGREGATED REVENUE DEVELOPMENT ACROSS PRIVATE LARGE PORTFOLIO COMPANIES (CONT'D) REVENUE OF WATER UTILITY UP 22.2% Y-O-Y IN 1Q21, REFLECTING THE IMPACT OF INCREASED TARIFFS1 SINCE JAN-21 GEORGIA CAPITAL TOTAL GROSS PREMIUMS WRITTEN OF P&C AND MEDICAL INSURANCE UP 21.6% Y-O-Y IN 1Q21 REFLECTING THE REBOUNDING DEMAND TRAJECTORY +14.8% +22.2% 38 -14.8% 161 18.3 137 5.9 -68.0% 33 31 0.4 2.4 0.5 31 31 38 -8.0% 143 132 1Q19 1Q20 1Q21 LTM 1Q20 LTM 1Q21 Water supply revenue Energy revenue - Total revenue KEY DRIVERS GEL MILLION -3.7% 65 52 +21.6% 63 44 37 31 21 20 20 1Q19 169 99 68 +10.8% 187 74 26 101 113 1Q20 1Q21 LTM 1Q20 LTM 1Q21 Insurance total Water levels in Zhinvali reservoir up 12.1% y-o-y in water volume (m³) terms in 1Q21, while strong inflows during April and May lead to y-o-y reservoir level increase by 160.3% (m³) at 13-May-21, approaching the maximum possible level. 1Q21 water sales volume to commercial customers was down 13.4% y-o-y, however, volumes have started to show a rebounding trajectory as the economic activities improve. Georgia Capital PLC | 1. The tariff increase translates into an annual growth of 36.3% in allowed water revenue for the entire water utility business (c.38% for Georgian Water and Power LLC (GWP)) in the three-year regulatory period effective from 1 January 2021 ■ P&C Medical KEY DRIVERS Total combined ratio of the P&C and Medical Insurance down by 2.6 ppts y-o-y in 1Q21 The number of new policies written in the P&C Insurance grew by 26.3% y-o-y in 1Q21 of which, 15.0% is attributable to the agricultural insurance line. 32
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