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Investor Presentaiton

En+ GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS EN+ GROUP IPJSC Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 En+ Group Annual Report 2021 EN+ GROUP IPJSC Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 Geographic information The Group's operating segments are managed on a worldwide basis, but operate in four principal geographical areas: the CIS, Europe, Africa and the Americas. In the CIS, production facilities operate in Russia and Ukraine. In Europe, production facilities are located in Italy, Ireland and Sweden. African production facilities are represented by the bauxite mines and an alumina refinery in Guinea. In the Americas the Group operates one production facility in Jamaica, one in Guyana and a trading subsidiary in the United States of America. The following table sets out information about the geographical location of the Group's revenue from external customers and the Group's property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, interests in associates and joint ventures and goodwill ("specified non-current assets"). The geographical location of customers is based on the location at which the services were provided or the goods delivered. The geographical location of the specified non-current assets is based on the physical location of the asset. Unallocated specified non- current assets comprise mainly goodwill and interests in associates and joint ventures. Revenue from external customers Year ended 31 December 2021 Year ended 31 December 2020 USD million Metals Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income Revenue from external customers Primary aluminium and alloys Alumina and bauxite Semi-finished products and foil Electricity (i) Power 8,440 Adjustments Total 1,916 6.969 10,356 6,969 534 534 381 166 547 60 1,109 1,169 Heat Other 39 387 426 457 254 711 Inter-segment revenue 126 781 (907) Total segment revenue 8,566 2,697 (907) 10,356 Operating expenses (excluding depreciation and loss on disposal of PPE) Adjusted EBITDA (7,695) (1,704) 904 (8,495) 871 993 (3) 1,861 Depreciation and amortisation (570) (214) 3 (781) (Loss)/gain on disposal of PPE (13) 1 (12) Impairment of non-current assets (9) (49) Results from operating activities 279 731 Share of profits and impairment of associates and joint ventures 976 (5) Interest expense, net (431) (298) (58) 1,010 971 (729) Other finance costs, net (108) (19) (127) Profit before tax 716 409 1,125 Russia Income tax expense 43 (152) (109) Turkey Profit for the year 759 257 1,016 China Japan Additions to non-current segment assets during the year (987) (262) (1,242) USD million Consolidated statement of financial position Metals Power USA Netherlands Greece Germany Poland EN+ GROUP IPJSC Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2021 Adjustments Total South Korea Mexico Italy Norway France Taiwan Other countries Segment assets, excluding cash and cash equivalents and interests in associates and jointly ventures 11,327 5,632 Investment in Metals segment 4.595 (692) (4,595) 16,267 Cash and cash equivalents 2,229 333 2,562 Interests in associates and jointly ventures 3,822 10 3,832 Total segment assets 17,378 10,570 (5,287) 22,661 Segment liabilities, excluding loans and borrowings and bonds payable 3,043 1,340 (175) 4,208 Loans and borrowings 7,792 4,596 12,388 Total segment liabilities 10,835 5,936 (175) 16,596 Total segment equity 6,543 4,634 (5,112) 6,065 Total segment equity and liabilities 17,378 10,570 (5,287) 22,661 Consolidated statement of cash flows Cash flows from operating activities 1,091 805 (6) 1,890 Cash flows from/ (used in) investing activities 128 (211) 6 (77) Acquisition of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets (897) (237) 6 (1,128) Other investments (191) (7) (198) Dividends from the jointly controlled entities and other associates 1,170 1,170 Interest received 26 30 56 Other investing activities 20 3 23 Cash flows used in financing activities Interest paid (694) (678) (1,372) (465) (314) (779) Restructuring fee and expenses related to issuance of shares (12) (14) (26) Settlements of derivative financial instruments (215) (215) Other financing activities (2) (350) (352) Net change in cash and cash equivalents 525 (84) 441 158 Specified non-current assets Russia Guinea Ireland Sweden Ukraine Unallocated 2020 USD million USD million 5,437 3,873 1,108 772 956 615 744 471 744 471 443 727 367 236 356 211 330 338 314 329 280 103 266 228 267 134 247 164 236 185 2,215 1,315 14,126 10,356 31 December 2021 USD million 2020 USD million 13,294 11,870 232 82 225 606 68 6 229 3,408 3,132 17,090 16,062 STRATEGIC REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Appendices 159
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