Nova Realidade Covid-19 após 1 ano
| Regulation of Education in Brazil
Currently, the public education and private education systems
are regulated by the guidelines of the Ministry of Education
(MEC), which is the department responsible for educational
policy throughout Brazil. The body's main competences are
directly related to the Brazilian educational system, from early
childhood education to professional and technological
education. In addition, it is responsible for drafting the Law on
Education Guidelines and Bases (LDB). As for the National
Education Policy (PNE), it is up to the elaboration and
In a complementary role to that of the MEC, the State and
Municipal Education Secretariats are responsible for public
education and for regulating schools, universities and private
The Law of Directives and Bases of Education establishes the
division of Brazilian education into two levels: basic education
and higher education.
| About National Education Plan
In 2014, the Federal Congress sanctioned the National Education Plan (PNE) with
the purpose of directing and organizing efforts and investments among
federative entities to improve the quality of education in the country. With the
force of law, the PNE establishes 20 goals to be achieved in the next 10 years.
The National Education Plan (PNE) establishes guidelines, goals and strategies
that should govern initiatives in the area of education. Therefore, all states and
municipalities must prepare specific plans to support the achievement of the
foreseen objectives — considering the situation, demands and local needs.
Monitoring of the PNE must be done every two years. The first report with the
results for each target was released in November 2016 and, so far, only one
target has been fully met, while others have shown a drop since the release of
the first report.
Among the goals of the PNE, Goal No. 20 on Education Financing is one of the
most ambitious goals of the National Education Plan (and which supports a good
part of the other goals) aims to increase the Union's investment in public
education, in order to reach 7% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2019
(intermediate target not met) and the equivalent of 10% of GDP by 2024.
Sources: Ministério da Educação, Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação e Plano Nacional de Educação
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