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Investor Presentaiton

AGING PROGRAMS AND PLAN FOCUS AREAS OAA FOCUS 3 - PARTICIPANT DIRECTED/PERSON-CENTERED PLANNING Every individual is unique and no two individuals have the same preferences and needs. Person- centered planning supports individuals in making choices and decisions about the services that best meet their preferences and needs. In addition to Goal 2 (Bolster awareness of and access to quality, person-centered services and supports), this section summarizes some key ways Virginia's aging net- work supports person-centered practices. DARS and Centers for Independent Living (CILS) LTC Ombudsman Program No Wrong Door (NWD) Options Counseling (OC) DARS, which combines aging, disabilities, and AS/APS, creates enhanced partnerships between DARS' affiliated local agencies, including AAAs and CILS, and generates a spirit of collaboration between aging and disability providers. CILs are well versed in consumer controlled and participant directed services, and they have extensive experi- ence in self-advocacy, transportation, housing, deinstitutionalization, and accessibility. The interface between DARS, the CILS, and AAAs enhances and improves person- centered services for older Virginians. In their work in LTC facilities and with HCBS, LTC ombudsman representatives provide person-centered advocacy, address systemic issues, and support people who want to transition into the community. LTC ombudsman representatives promote rights and provide information to individuals receiving LTSS and their families, by visiting LTC fa- cilities, promoting quality of care, and providing a voice for those who are unable to speak for themselves. The State LTC Ombudsman Program efforts are focused on complaint resolution and empowering persons to resolve complaints themselves when appropriate. See OAA Focus Area 4 for more information. The NWD web-based technology system enables partners to provide person-centered decision support, send and receive real-time electronic referrals, document and se- curely share assessments, track enrollment, and analyze aggregated data on individu- al, agency, community, and statewide levels. For more information on NWD, see OAA Focus Area 2. OC is an interactive decision support process, whereby individuals receive support in making LTSS choices in the context of their unique preferences, strengths, needs, val- ues, and circumstances. The OC process respects the right of individuals to control and make choices about their own lives. OC is provided by individuals trained and practicing according to the Virginia Statewide Standards for OC, and may include care coordinators, transition co- ordinators, peer counselors, and others. During FFY 2018 and across Virginia's NWD network, 1,568 individuals received OC, and options counselors provided individuals over 10,750 hours of consultation. 38
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