Enel's Energy Infrastructure Growth and Resilience slide image

Enel's Energy Infrastructure Growth and Resilience

Long-term variable remuneration1 150% of the base amount is assigned in Enel shares² Macro objective Performance Profitability Objective TSR5 Weight³ Target (130%)4 45% Enel's TSR = 100% of Index's TSR enel Over I (150%) Enel's TSR = 110% of Index's TSR Over II (280%)4 Enel's TSR ≥ 115% of Index's TSR Type of target Market Cumulative ROIC - WACC6 30% = 14.4% = 14.7% ≥15% Economic Climate Change GHG Scope 1 and 3 emissions reduction 15% = 135 gCO2eq/kWheq Scope 1 ≤130 gCO2eq/kWheq³ 7 8 = 132 gCO2eq/kWheq Scope 1 ≤ 130 gCO2eq/kWheq 7 ≤130 gCO2eq/kWheq 8 Scope 1130 gCO2eq/kWheq ESG 8 Gender Gap % of women in top mgmt succession plans⁹ 10% = 45% = 47% ≥ 50% ESG 2. 1. Long-Term Incentive (LTI) Plan 2023. Performance period: January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2025. 30% payment (if any) in the 4th year. 70% payment (if any) in the 5th year (deferred payment) The number of Enel shares to be assigned is determined on the basis of the arithmetical mean of Enel's daily VWAP in the three-months period preceding the beginning of the performance period 3. (%) Weight in the variable remuneration 4. 100% at Target and 180% at Over II for the other beneficiaries of the LTI Plan 2023 5. 1Average TSR Enel compared to average TSR EUROSTOXX Utilities Index-EMU, calculated in the 3-year period 2023-2025 For the CEO/General Manager; 100% for the CEO-1 managers; 65% for the other beneficiaries of the LTI Plan 2023. c.300 managers in total 6. For the 3-year period 2023-2025 7. GHG Scope 1 and 3 emissions (integrated power) per kWh equivalent produced by the Group in 2025 8. GHG Scope 1 emissions (power generation) per kWh equivalent produced by the Group in 2025 (gateway objective) 9. At the end of 2025 173
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