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Investor Presentaiton

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | NET WORKING CAPITAL 3.2 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND CONTRACT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES Changes in contract assets and liabilities The order book representing the unsatisfied performance obligations with respect to new equipment and modernization contracts stood at EUR 8,564.0 (7,728.8) million as at Dec 31, 2021. The vast majority of the order book is expected to be recognized as revenue within the next 12 months from the end of the reporting period. However, lead-times especially in the long-term major projects are somewhat longer depending the size and complexity of the projects. The changes in unbilled contract revenue, advance payments received and deferred revenue follow the developments in business but are also impacted by the normal fluctuation in project progress when applying percentage of completion method for recognition of revenue. Deferred income on maintenance contracts represents the unsatisfied part of transaction price invoiced for maintenance contracts. Typically this will be recognized as revenue within the next 12 months from the end of the reporting period. No material amounts of revenue were recognized during the reporting period due to changes in transaction prices or changes in estimates for performance obligations partially or fully satisfied in previous years. There were no significant impairment charges recognized during the reporting period for the contract assets. Customer credit risk management Customer credit risks relate to advance payments receivable from customers or to accounts receivable related to equipment deliveries or to services rendered. This risk is managed by defining the rules for tendering, payment terms, authorizations and credit control as well as project management controls. Advance payments, documentary credits and guarantees are used in payment terms to minimize customer credit risks. KONE proactively manages its accounts receivable in order to minimize the risk of customer defaults. KONE's customer base consists of a large number of customers in several market areas and geographic split of receivables and contract assets well mirrors distribution of sales. KONE management follows particularly closely the credit risks related to Chinese developers. Customer portfolio being well diversified is limiting risks arising from any individual customer. Accounting principles Accounts receivable Accounts receivable are recognized when the right to consideration becomes unconditional and are measured at amortized cost. For KONE's new equipment and modernization contracts, a receivable is recognized upon invoicing when the goods are delivered and for KONE maintenance contracts upon invoicing according to customer contract terms and conditions. KONE applies the expected credit loss model to assess impairment loss for the doubtful accounts receivable since the accounts receivable do not contain a significant financing component. To measure the lifetime expected credit losses trade receivables have been grouped based on shared credit risk characteristics and aging category and measured based on historical loss rates adjusted by forward looking estimates and individual assessment. A final impairment loss is recognized when receivership or bankruptcy is confirmed or when it is otherwise obvious that the customer will be unable to meet its payment obligations. Changes in impairment loss for doubtful accounts receivable and final impairment losses are recognized under cost and expenses in the consolidated statement of income. Unbilled contract revenue Unbilled contract revenue relates to consideration for performance obligations satisfied over time in KONE's new equipment and modernization contracts. It is recognized when the revenue recognized exceeds the amounts billed to the customer and is considered to be conditional upon factors other than the passage of time. MEUR Accounts receivable Accrued income on maintenance contracts (note 3.3) Unbilled contract revenue (note 3.3) Assets related to contracts with customers Deferred income on maintenance contracts (note 3.4) Advance payments received and deferred revenue Liabilities related to contracts with customers Unbilled contract revenue is stated at net realizable value and is classified as contract asset and presented under deferred assets in the consolidated statement of financial position. An impairment loss for contract assets is estimated based on lifetime expected credit loss model and individual analysis. Deferred and accrued income on maintenance contracts When revenue recognized exceeds the amounts billed to the customer an accrued income on maintenance contracts is recognized. It is stated at net realizable value and classified as contract assets and presented under deferred assets in the consolidated statement of financial position. When the amounts billed to the customer exceed the recognized revenue deferred income on maintenance contracts is recognized. These balances are classified as contract liabilities and are presented under accruals in the consolidated statement of financial position. Advance payments received and deferred revenue Advance payments received and deferred revenue relates to payments received in advance of performance or billing in excess of revenue recognized under KONE's new equipment and modernization contracts. Advance payments received and deferred revenue are recognized contracts and are classified as contract liabilities. as revenue as (or when) KONE performs under the Dec 31, 2021 2,421.4 35.1 344.6 Dec 31, 2020 2,178.6 31.8 282.7 2,801.1 2,493.2 462.7 406.3 1,957.0 1,766.8 2,419.8 2,173.1 53 KONE ANNUAL REVIEW 2021
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