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Investor Presentaiton

7 CONSOLIDATED CAPITAL STRUCTURE AS PER BASEL III (continued) The consolidated capital structure as per Basel III is given below: CONSOLIDATED CAPITAL STRUCTURE AS PER BASEL III (continued) 2020 AED 000 2019 AED 000 Common Equity Tier 1 Capital Share Capital Share premium account 6,316,598 17,954,164 6,316,598 17,954,164 TIER I CAPITAL NOTES The Group has issued a number of regulatory Tier 1 capital notes with details mentioned in the table below. The notes are perpetual, subordinated and unsecured. The Group can elect not to pay a coupon at its own discretion. Note holders will not have a right to claim the coupon and such event will not be considered an event of default. The notes carry no maturity date and have been classified as equity. Issuance Month/year Issued Amount Coupon rate Eligible Reserves 2,710,530 4,456,124 Transitional arrangement: Partial addback of IFRS 9 ECL impact to CET1 July 2020 2,002,738 March 2019 USD 750 million (AED 2.75 billion) USD 1 billion (AED 3.67 billion) Retained Earnings/(-) Loss 47,014,778 43,375,416 June 2009 AED 4 billion Dividend Expected/Proposed (2,526,639) Fixed interest rate with a reset after six years Fixed interest rate with a reset after six years Fixed interest rate for the first five years and on a floating rate basis thereafter. Eligible amount of minority interest 22,124 3,638 CET1 capital before the regulatory adjustments and threshold deduction The Group has exercised its option to call back the following notes in September 2020 and as a result these have been repaid in full. 73,494,293 72,105,940 Less: Regulatory deductions (6,359,346) (6,653,596) Issuance Month/year Issued Amount Coupon rate Total CET1 capital after the regulatory adjustments and threshold deduction 67,134,947 65,452,344 September 2014 USD 500 million (AED 1.83 billion) Fixed interest rate with a reset after six years Total CET1 capital after transitional arrangement for deductions (A) 67,134,947 65,452,344 Additional Tier 1 Capital CAPITAL ADEQUACY (STANDARDISED APPROACH) Eligible AT1 capital 10,379,786 9,107,356 2020 2019 Other AT1 Capital e.g. (Share premium, minority interest) Total AT1 capital 10,379,786 9,107,356 Total Capital Requirements Total AT1 capital after transitional arrangements (B) 10,379,786 9,107,356 Credit Risk Capital Charge AED 000 57,066,531 Capital Charge AED 000 55,867,225 Tier 2 Capital Market Risk 1,533,013 1,070,001 Tier 2 Instruments e.g. subordinated loan Operational Risk 4,020,602 3,467,905 Other Tier 2 capital (including General Provisions, etc.) 4,919,529 4,816,140 Total Capital Requirements 62,620,146 60,405,131 Total Tier 2 Capital 4,919,529 4,816,140 Total Tier 2 capital after transitional arrangements (C) Total Regulatory Capital (A+B+C) 4,919,529 4,816,140 82,434,262 79,375,840 EMIRATES NBD BANK PJSC - BASEL II - PILLAR III DISCLOSURES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020 8 بنك الإمارات دبي الوطني Emirates NBD
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