J.P.Morgan ESG Presentation Deck
A Summary
A note on our business
JPMorgan Chase & Co. provides financial services for individuals, industries and geographies — regardless of political, social or religious viewpoints. We deal in
facts and don't change our policies, procedures or progress based on who's asking. Our ambition is to work with shareholders, clients, customers and communities
around the world to fulfill banking's essential purpose of helping people, businesses of all sizes and vital institutions like schools, hospitals and governments -
achieve their goals
We make independent
business decisions for the
We don't "boycott"
We manage risk
We want to compete
We believe in free
We value engagement
We make business decisions to advance the long-term interests of our Firm and its shareholders, including
serving our clients, supporting our employees and helping our communities. We work with a broad array of
organizations that advance those interests, even if we don't support every position taken. Firm decisions are
always made independently and based on business principles
We support clients around the globe and in every state in the U.S., across industries, religions and political
affiliation. We proudly serve more than 80 million households in the U.S, more than 5.7 million small
businesses and hundreds of thousands of companies in critical economic sectors. We do not make decisions
based on viewpoints or political or social agendas
Managing risk is critical to the long-term success of our business and required by our regulators. We make
risk-based assessments, including legal, credit, market, reputational and regulatory, to drive decisions and
advance the interests of our constituencies
Our ability to compete, in both established and new markets, is critical to the long-term success of our
business. We decide where and how we choose to compete by assessing risk and opportunity, not to further
political or social agendas
Markets and economies of all sizes benefit when free and fair enterprise thrives — creating innovation,
competition and maximizing value for shareholders, clients, customers and communities. Government
intervention of free market principles, for political reasons in the short-term, sets a dangerous precedent
that's hard to reverse
We believe the best answers reside in engagement and discourse. When policymakers seek input to tackle
challenges, we want to help. We know that our success requires working closely with government on sound
public policy that grows the economy and lifts up communities. Throughout our history, we have engaged
with officials from all parties to address the world's most pressing needs, and we look forward to continuing
to do so
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