Investor Presentaiton
Data Analysis
Local investors reported total AUM for impact investing of $343M,
with a median value of $15M. This total represents approximately
25% of the total AUM reported for impact investing by investors
based in all of Latin America ($1.4Bn).
In addition to the AUM of local investors, 14 international investors
active in Brazil reported total AUM for impact investing in Latin
America of $2.1B. While this total relates to the whole region,
we can reasonably expect that a part of this amount would be
available for investment in Brazil.
Almost all investors who invest in Brazil do not focus on investing
in MFIs³. In the regional data, when MFI investors are excluded,
Brazil is one of the top three countries in terms of AUM for impact
investing in Latin America.
Financial Instruments
When asked about the type of equity and debt instruments used,
over 70% of investors active in Brazil reported using debt and/or
equity, followed by 39% using quasi-equity.
Most investors make use of a combination of instruments, and
25% also use donations to complement their investing activity.
Figure 3 Instruments Used
71 71
% %
3. Investors who focus on microfinance institutions (MFIs) manage more capital and invest
with bigger ticket sizes - including some deals larger than $100M than investors that
do not focus on MFIs, in part because the microfinance industry globally took off earlier
than the sector for impact investing more generally. In the Latin America regional report,
we separated the data for non-MFI investments, allowing for a clearer picture of what is
happening in other sectors.
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