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Investor Presentaiton

SFY 2025 Line Item Updates and Highlights • BEYES ONE-TIME FUNDS (1.52) Program and Partner Support $300,000 boost in one-time for potential flood recovery needs (2.22) Municipal Better Roads $1,000,000 boost in one-time for Road Erosion Inventory re- assessments Agency Activity Clean Water Budget Statutory Priority Ther 1 term of Equal Priorityi 1.1 ANR-DEC (CMP) Www Cuility 1.2 ANR-DEC (CMP) on Formule to Can Wa&0&M Basin Planning Beer Quity Council Pipation, Education, and Outwach 1.3 Wieler Qunity Enhancement Grand ANY-DEC (CWIP) 13 VHGB Statewide Non-regulatory Clean Water Projects Land Water Quality Projects 14 AARM Water Quality Grants to Patra and Fa Program Scort Program and Par Agency and Badoerating cod 12 ANY-DEC (CWIP) Ter1 SUBTOTAL The 1% of Total Clean Water Budget Statutory Priory Ther 2 (erms of Equal Priority 2. Cutwach and implitation of only Acceptable Management Practice for winning Water Quality Fairy War Quality Practices and Poble Skidder Bridges 2.11 ANPR ANS-FPR Implement BMP State Forest Park, and Recreational Access Roads 2.2 Manickal Storme werkplementation 221 Municipal Road Carte-in-Ad (MRGP) Municipal Better Ronda (MRGP) Mixxinquol Bay del amark (Non-ederal Mich Municipal Three-on Clearal Permit and M54 Clean Water Fund 7210,000 850 000 Capital Bas SFY25 Capital Budget Target- Fing the Sim Base Gap from SFY25 Cap with Clean Water Fund Unallocated Unreserved Clean Water Fund Prior SFY25 Compared to Subtotal Base Funds SFT24 Funds Uncate Unreserved At Resc Plan Act (ARPA Subtotal One-Tim Funds 7,210,000 680.000 5000 000 2.000.000 1,700,000 5.000.000 2.100.000 8.446387 1,150,000 1,150,000 211113 SFY25 Compared to SFY:25 One-Time Funds Total SFY25 (Base One-Timel SFY23 Tokal Compared to SFY24 Total 1,340,000 850,000 5,200,200 2.000000 BRONCO 21,486,887 550,000 3.200,000 TO NOI 1,000,000 25,234,887 250 7000000 700,000 208,750 536 238 2:063,113 2061,113 ((2,488,137) 1,730,000 27,300,000 375,000 71% 545 54% 80% 3.000 nom 144.000 337 50 000 550,000 10MM 100.000 223 VT 234 ANR-DEG (CWB) 23 VHCB 24 ANR-DEC (CIP) Water Quality Farm Improvement and Retirement Projec Innovative or Alamative Technolog 41.000.000 500,000 550.000 Practices to improve Water Quality TerZ SUBTOTAL 4144,000 850,000 800,000 5,434,000 Tier 2 % of Total 15% Clean Water Bud Statory Prity Ther 3- 31 AMR-DEC (WFP TES BURTOTAL Ther3 % of Total Clean Water Budget Other Priori 41 ANR-DEC (L) Deloped Lands Implementation G Lakwain Crisis Fund 120,000 25.000 0% 120,000 25.000 25.000 144,000 387 550,000 1.COMUNCO CROUTOC 1.000.000 2.000.000 C1, C C00000 1,000 18000 DOT 0000 750,000 BADO 250,000 550,000 1.750.000 1,750,000 18.453,000 7.344,000 (7,448,813) 48% 18% 120,000 (1000000) 75,000 • (2.4) Partially support Alum Treatment pending results of feasibility study and permitting • (4.3) Continued pause on spending on Better Connections and Downtown Transportation Fund 42 Ak 43 ABCD my Payment ($55Kwich) Better Connections and Downtown Timportation Fund Capibe Bill Priorities 24 ANI-DEC (WFP) cho Can We State Rohing Fund (CW) Federal Cent 45 AN-DEC (WIP) Municipal Pollution Control Ona Our SUBTOTAL Ofer% of Total Total Prosed for Acemoriallion 1,800,000 3.500000 1,600,000 3.300.000 1287 019 (2000) 1.045.000 02919 $5000.000 0% 82% 6.1000 1000 4000.000 31.775.887 Anticipated SFY25 Souros 25.775 587 000000 31,775,587 Estimated Unallocdd Clean Water unde Anticipated Total Available" 25,775,887 nammo 4,000,000 40000000 4,000,000 35.773.887 4701 Balance Total Able-Total Requested 888558 Prosset SFY 25025 Clean Water Baby Apancy Agency AAM ACCO ANN (DEC) AND OF PRI A&A VHCB Wilma Total Proposed for Appropriation REYRS BASE FUNDA Capital Bi 25 Capital Budget Target- Clean Water Fund 908 887 550 000 Fing the ma Gap from SFY25 Capital with Clean Water Fund Prior Year Unallocal! Unserved 1,200,000 Subtotal Base Funds 1.341,817 AFY25-OKE-TIME FUNDS 0% 03.137 4.701,600 4,701,600 888,550 1,500,000 3,350,000 12013 31,775,87 40,477,356 88,558 Clean Water Fund SFY:25 Ba Compared to SPY:24 Prior Year Unallocated Unread Ametcan Res Plan Act (ARPA Subtotal One-Time Funds ST25 Compared to BY: One-Time Total FY25 (Base Funds One-Timel SPY25 Total Compared to SFY24 Total 213113 211,113 (2,758,587) 3.580300 1401000X 144,000 0000 2000 14.230.200 $14.30 800000 25,000 2.800,000 25.000 4000 DOO 25.776.887 $5,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 39.775.887 24800 DOD 2.500.000 8.151.29 21.410.200 120,000 25,000 2,800,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,008,200 3013113 313,113 18.038.137 38.588/200 18.219.4031
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