Investor Presentaiton
ROC's Eligible Social Project Categories Overview
Eligible Categories
Affordable basic
Access to Essential
Access to Essential
Services/ Education
& Vocational Training
Affordable Housing
Advancement and
Food Security and
Sustainable Food
Eligibility Criteria
Develop and provide access to basic infrastructure, including in the following areas:
Water & Sanitation - Increase the percentage of the total population with access to drinking water, optimize water-quality monitoring processes & improve waste
management processes
Energy - Expenditures to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, and improvement in electrical supply, with a view to expand
geographical coverage, in particular in rural areas
Transportation - Strengthening of the transportation infrastructure in order to increase connectivity, especially for rural areas and populations or other underserved areas
Target populations: Population at large, but especially low-income households, people with disabilities, migrants and/or displaced persons, undereducated, underserved
owing to a lack of quality access to essential goods and services, unemployed, women and/or sexual and gender minorities, aging populations and vulnerable youth and
other vulnerable groups, including as a result of natural disasters
Providing access to essential healthcare infrastructure and services for all populations by: extending healthcare capacities and improving the quality of the existing
healthcare, preventive and curative action to deal with pandemic and other natural catastrophes, increasing the number of post-graduate healthcare workers,
improving the quality of healthcare services and improving the quality of disease prevention services
Target populations: Particularly low-income households, people with disabilities, elderly people, migrants and/or displaced persons, undereducated, underserved,
unemployed, women/gender minorities, aging populations and vulnerable youth and other vulnerable groups, including as a result of natural disasters
Providing access to essential educational and science infrastructure and services for all by: strengthening the accessibility of pre-school education programs, ensuring
better educational conditions for socially disadvantaged pupils, extending capacity within the public/free education system and improving the quality of the existing
educational infrastructure and equipment
Target populations: Pre-school children, schoolchildren to 12th grade, university staff, academic staff, secondary/vocational school staff, students and scientists
Providing access to affordable housing to vulnerable populations by extending the social and affordable housing supply, improving the quality of the existing social
and affordable housing and providing financial assistance to facilitate access to housing and ownership
Target populations: Low income, people living without adequate housing, households in positions of insecurity and exclusion
Supporting employment generation and labour market integration including through: employment generation and retention initiatives, extending capacities and
improving quality of vocational education and initiatives to support venture investment
Target populations: Unemployed and underemployed, NEETS (those not in education, employment or training), SMEs and persons with disabilities
Providing equitable access to and control over assets, services, resources, and opportunities, and promoting equitable participation and integration into the market and
society, including reduction
of income inequality
Target populations: Low-income, vulnerable youth, non-profit organisations, people with disabilities
Supporting physical, social, and economic access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food that meets dietary needs and requirements and reducing impacts from food
production, including through:
Programmes to promote resilient agricultural practices and target reduction of food loss and waste, initiatives to promote improved productivity of small-scale
producers and development of short circuits/local food systems, and expansion of organic farming in line with the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and pursuant
to EU regulation
Target population: Population at large, farmers (especially farmers in disadvantaged areas)
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