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2021 ESG Report

19 2021 ESG Report UN Sustainable Development Goals In addition to our own development, we are always concerned about the international community and global sustainability trends, and we continue to carry out a number of actions guided by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, hoping to help build a more sustainable planet through our own practices on sustainable development. All departments of the bank are discussing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and in 2021, we will help the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals throughout the company with a number of practices. 1 NO POVERTY We participate in many public welfare projects such as medical care projects, donate to infrastructure construction; help to fight and alleviate poverty in some areas. Xingfu Village Bank has a total of 168 branches, covering 16 former state-designated poverty-stricken counties. ⚫ The total value of donated facilities is 1,308,700 yuan, and help to sale agricultural products by 3,967,000 yuan. 3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING W We protect the health of our employees by organizing both regular medical checkups and a supplemental medical insurance plan, and provide a number of benefits to our employees to enhance their well-being. QUALITY 4 EDUCATION 7 Through donations, we help students in poor areas to get a better and fairer education. • • • • Employee medical checkup rate reached 100%. Distributed a total of 1,680,000 masks, 500 thermometers, 1,200 bottles of hand sanitizer and other pandemic prevention materials throughout the year. Organized more than 1,300 activities for employees throughout the year, with more than 12,000 participants. 8 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 9 INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE CRCBANK 20 We provide diverse training systems and two types of promotion paths for our employees to promote their career development and highlight their value. In 2021, 694 new employees were recruited, accounting for about 10.13% of the total number of employees in the bank. • A total of 633 training sessions were held for 146,683 employees. We develop inclusive finance and supported industrial innovation and development in urban and rural areas. CSRC Bank's balance of agriculture-related loans reached 115.119 billion yuan, accounting for 70.71% of all loans, and personal business loan balance reached 64.866 billion yuan. In order to promote the intelligent and digital transformation of enterprises, the credit amount of "Changzhi Loan" reached 445,115,000 yuan in 2021. SUSTAINABLE CITIES 11 AND COMMUNITIES ::: We provide financial literacy and convenience facilities for the community and focus on the interests of community groups. Achieved full coverage of 109 branches in urban and rural areas with the "Social Insurance Banking Pass" service. The "Medical Insurance-Banking Pass" service has achieved full coverage in 38 local branches. Two branches were awarded the title of "Quality and Civilized Service of the Elderly-Oriented Outlet". Carried out the "Feiyan Scholarship Program" to help 95 poor college students in Changshu. We donated 1,100,800 yuan to local college students. 12 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION QO Protect consumer rights and protect customer privacy. AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY Innovative construction of zero carbon outlet pilot, through the use of clean energy, the transformation of air conditioning systems, lighting systems and other infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions. • The pilot construction of "zero carbon outlet" is expected to generate 25,000 kWh of electricity annually, which can lead to a reduction of 6.80 tons of carbon emissions per year. 13 CLIMATE ACTION • The complaint handling rate was 100%, and the overall customer satisfaction rate of the call center was 99.18%. Develop a full range of user privacy protection policies to regulate online service user informed consent. Innovate green financial products, guide financial investment in green and low- carbon industries, and stimulate green economic growth. • The total amount of green credit for the year reached 1.560 billion yuan, supporting 34 enterprises with a loan growth rate of 23%. • We launched "Emission Loan", "Su Carbon Finance" and "Environmental Protection Loan" to support the energy-saving and environmental protection transformation of enterprises. . Set up a "green channel" to improve the efficiency of green credit approval.
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