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Investor Presentaiton

sanofi Novel MenB formulation (SP0230) to provide optimal protection MenB antigen formulation Phase 1/2 clinical study design Days 31 61 Non-Lipidated Non-Lipidated MenB Formulation #1 n=72 fHBP A fHBP B MenB Formulation #2 n=72 NadA Outer Membrane Vesicle MenB Formulation #3 n=72 Adolescents MenB Formulation #4 n=72 10-17 yo Adults MenB Formulation #5 n=72 4 major antigens used to cover broad diversity and variable strain expression 18-55 yo MenB Formulation #6 n=72 Bexsero (MenB GSK) n=72 Trumenba (MenB Pfizer) n=72 fHBP A: factor-H binding protein subfamily A; fHBP B: factor-H binding protein subfamily B; NadA: Neisserial adhesin A 74 Vaccines Investor Event
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