Investor Presentaiton
corporate social responsibility >>
Anton Karamzin
Member and Deputy Chairman
of the Management Board
>> Shareholders and investors often ask about
the Bank's corporate social responsibility.
The topics most interesting to them include
corporate governance, the accessibility
of the Bank's services in Russia's regions,
their quality, convenience and speed
Given the level of interest from Russian and international investors in
transparency, we pay serious attention to this topic. Over the last few
years we soared from ranking somewhere in the 70s to break into the
top twenty in the transparency rating compiled by Standard & Poor's.
Sberbank seeks to maintain an active dialogue with its shareholders
and investors. We view regular meetings with an extended team of the
Bank's senior executives as a promising way of developing our engage-
ment with this stakeholder group. Such meetings help shareholders
and investors immerse themselves deeper into our business and re-
alise the scale of our contribution to Russia's economic development.
The first such meeting was held at the Russia Forum 2012. An animated
discussion driven by numerous questions from participants lasted for
half a day. Our next step in this direction is to start organising such
events on a regular basis. In 2012, we plan to organise at least one
major Investor Day with the participation of the Bank's senior execu-
tives in London, one of the world's most significant financial centres.
Over the last few years Sberbank has made a breakthrough in its rela-
tions with minority shareholders. We were the first Russian company
to come up with the idea of a Minority Shareholders' Committee and
to actually create it. The Committee members are a very active group
of investors who have joined forces to closely engage with us. Their
recommendations help us make the Bank more transparent and under-
standable for investors and shareholders. The Committee formulated
a number of recommendations on how to improve corporate gover-
nance at the Bank, and we have already implemented over half of these
recommendations. Committee members have participated in many
of our meetings with international investors. The topics discussed at
Committee meetings include Sberbank's Strategy, development of
our investment business, the acquisition of Troika Dialog and other
significant aspects of Sberbank's activities. We organised visits to our
innovative sites-the Office of the Future, the Loan Factory and the
Customer Operations Support Centre-for minority shareholders. Two
Committee meetings were attended by Herman Gref, Sberbank's CEO
and Chairman of the Management Board.
Over the last few years Sberbank has
made a breakthrough in its relations
with minority shareholders. We
were the first Russian company to
come up with the idea of a Minority
Shareholders' Committee and to
actually create it
One idea suggested by Committee members and already implemented
by the Bank is site visits to regional banks. The Committee visits re-
gional banks at least six times a year, where a video conference with
the Bank's senior executives is organised. All branches based in the
respective regions also join the video conference. This allows people
from the remotest corners of the country to have their questions an-
swered in a clear and specific manner.
One of the most important shareholder communication channels is
our website. We have one of the best Russian corporate websites and
importantly it has a voice interface making it more accessible for users
with disabilities. Another important communication instrument is our
dedicated call centre for minority shareholders, which received over
1,600 calls in 2011. In 2012, we plan to transfer the centre to a toll-free
number. Finally, we were the first public company to broadcast a live
video of its Annual Shareholders' Meeting on the Internet. The audience
of the broadcast was over 50,000 people.
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