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Investor Presentaiton

TAN fogether we can OTR 1 One Time Restructuring (OTR 1 & 2) As per RBI's guidelines dated OTR 2 As per RBI's guidelines dated May 05,2021 G20 2023 INDIA |თის Amt in Crore Aug 06,2020 Position as on 30.09.23 Provisions Position as on 30.09.23 Provisions SI. Loan and aggregate exposure category under OTR 1 Made# Loan and aggregate under OTR 2 Made# SI. exposure category No. of accounts Amount involved Amt No. of accounts Amount Amt involved Individual 1 Personal loans 3502 442 55 1 47769 4172 526 Borrowers 2 Other Exposures* 105 2199 281 2 Small Business 1628 565 71 3 Total (1+2) 3607 2641 336 3 Total (1+2) 49397 4737 597 4 MSME loans 2174 386 48 4 MSME loans 32597 2372 297 Grand Total (3+4) 5781 3027 384 Grand Total (3+4) 81994 7109 894 *Other Exposures includes corporate loans >Rs. 25 Crore as per RBI guidelines. #Additional provision on OTR at higher rate of 12.5% as against 10%/5% earlier. Highlights Business Asset Financial Quality Share/ Capital Digitalization HR/Network/GB/RRB ESG/ Award Page | 25
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