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Investor Presentaiton

The government has provided more financing options to support the growth of businesses in the country Government agencies delivering business finance BOA BANK of AGRICULTURE BANK OF INDUSTRY ...transforming Nigeria's industrial sector. DBN Development Bank of Nigeria NEXIM NIGERIAN EXPORT-IMPORT BANK CENTRAL BANK OF NIGERIA Small & Medium Enterprises Development Agency Of Nigeria FirstBank Since 1894 Growing Business Financing in Nigeria Providing access to cheap credit in the domestic financial markets One of the government's major focus is creating an enabling environment for investors through business-friendly financial system and providing access to finance that businesses/firms can leverage to grow and develop rapidly Some initiatives aimed at providing financial access to businesses include: Some of the various credit schemes and loans targeted at business financing include; African Development Bank Export Stimulation Loan scheme, National Economic Reconstruction Fund, Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme The CBN also rolled out massive developmental interventions in critical areas such as Agriculture, Manufacturing and SMEs which include the SME Credit Guarantee Scheme (SMECGS); Agri-business/Small and Medium Enterprises Investment Scheme (AGSMEIS); and Targeted Credit Facility (TCF)x
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