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Investor Presentaiton

The Government Will Immediately Follow Up The Constitutional Court's Decision On The Job Creation Law COMPREHENSIVE EXPLANATION TO THE PUBLIC, MARKETS, ASSOCIATIONS, AND INVESTORS To affirm that the Job Creation Law and its implementing regulations are still in effect and no material on the Law has been annulled by the Constitutional Court. Thus, the implementation of the Job Creation Law which concerns, among others, Business Licensing and OSS, Employment including provincial and district/city minimum wages, facilities for MSMEs still applies. AMENDMENT OF LAW 12/2011: a. To add the methods and techniques for preparing Law through omnibus approach to fulfill positive legalistic aspects. b. The amendment will be included in the 2022 Priority Prolegnas. IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS OF THE JOB CREATION LAW: a. b. C. Governmental dan Presidential Regulations, which are issued after the Constitutional Court's ruling, are treated as operational and will utilize other legal bases. For example, Presidential Regulation on the Commodity Balance (Neraca Komoditas) will be based on Trade Law. The Ministerial/Head of Institution Regulations dan Regional/Head of Regional Regulations still need to be completed. The implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing and Online Single Submission system continues as Source: Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs FOLLOW UP PLAN a. REVISION OF THE LAW ON JOB CREATION: a.Will refer to the amendments of Law 12/2011 (adjustment of the methods and techniques of Law preparation) b. To ensure sustainability and legal certainty, the revision of the Law on Job Creation must be completed immediately before the G-20 Summit C. The completion of the Law on Job Creation revision before the G-20 Summit will give a positive impression of Indonesia's consistency in structural transformation. 24 24
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