Investor Presentaiton
Base Shear
Mega-diagonal Mega-column Hinge
Hinge (FL66) (S&E Faces FL54)
Hinge (FL30)
Hinge (FL42, 13)
Wall Moment
Hinge (Base)
Rare Earthquake
Wall Shear Hinges
(FL9 16, 20 24, 55)
Wall Shear Hinge
Wall Ultimate
Shear Capacity
Wall Ultimate Shear
Capacity (FL8, 16)
Wall Shear Hinge (FL7)
Mega-column Hinge
(S&E Faces FL30)
wall shear hinge (FL32)
Mega-diagonal Hinge (FL54)
Figure 9. Pushover curve, showing the structure remaining in elastic
mode throughout the life of the building.
Figure 8. Plan of a corner mega-column.
In keeping with the underlying philosophy of all of
LERA's designs, and as demonstrated by the robustness
of the World Trade Center, New York, the structural
system is designed to accept the simultaneous loss of a
multitude of structural elements.
For example, at any level, the small perimeter
columns are able to be accidentally removed without the
disproportionate collapse of the surrounding construction.
Further, members of a perimeter belt truss can be
removed without disproportionate collapse. Similarly,
accidental removal can be accepted for the steelwork
within the services core.
Lateral Forces
For any very tall building, the magnitude of the
imposed lateral-loads is the primary determinant in the
selection and the proportioning of a suitable structural
Wind Engineering
A detailed analysis of the wind climate for
Shanghai was completed. Further, a four-phase program
of wind tunnel testing was completed at the Alan G.
Davenport Wind Engineering Group:
1. Force balance test for structural loads
(structure strength) and dynamic response
(human comfort).
2. Pressure test for the development of
steady-state and the dynamic pressures and
suctions on the façade (for the design of the
3. Environmental test (for windiness in the streets
and courtyards).
4. Aeroelastic test for structural loads and
dynamic response.
Earthquake Engineering
Because of the unusual nature of the structural
system, considerable attention was given to resistance to
the moving earth. The required analyses included:
Dynamic Response Spectrum Analyses
Time History Analyses, accomplished for six
Non-Linear Static Pushover Analyses.
As can be seen from Figure 9, the structure
was designed to remain in the elastic mode throughout
the life of the building. Being outside of the scope of the
building regulations of the People's Republic of China,
aided by the thoughtful input from seismic experts from
many regions of China, the design procedures were in
keeping with much of United States practice.
A Concluding Thought
The Shanghai World Financial is the fruit of the
creativity and passion of many individuals, all with the
common goal of providing a place in which people are
encouraged to meet and mingle, share ideas, and give
birth to new knowledge, culture and values...of providing
an urban venue, spaces and environments, in which the
future will be created.
East China Architectural Design & Research
Institute Co. Ltd. is the architect and the engineer of
record, and Mori Building Company provided detailed
architectural assistance.
Special thanks need be given to Mr. Minoru Mori,
who provided the vision for its construction; to Mr.
William Pedersen who conceived this wonderful building,
and to David Malott, Project Architect...both of KPF; and
to the many talented and resourceful men and women of
CTBUH 8th World Congress 2008
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