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Investor Presentaiton

Global data centre infrastructure projected to reach $200b in 2021, a 6% increase from 2020 as hyperscalers accelerate global data centre expansion, while organisations resume data centre expansion plans¹ Robust and Resilient Data Centre Demand ☐ ☐ End-user spending on public cloud services is forecasted to grow 23.1% in 2021 to $332.3b, up from $270b in 20202 Hyperscale cloud operator capex in the first quarter of 2021 was up by 31% from 2020, reaching a high of US$38b3 ((p)) Worldwide investment in data centre infrastructure expected to surge past US$26b by 20254 Demand for data centres in APAC expected to increase with 5G growth, which will account for ~30% of total mobile subscriptions by 2024, and reach 44% in 20265 Record demand for Europe colocation capacity in 2021 and such demand will remain elevated in 2022 and 20236 Renewable energy increasingly being used as 75% of the power supplied to data centres in Europe will be through renewable energy or carbon-free energy by 2025, with an aim to reach 100% by 20307 Keppel DC REIT Sources: 1. Gartner (Oct 2020); 2. Gartner (Apr 2021); 3. Synergy Research (Jun 2021); 4. Frost and Sullivan (Mar 2021); 5. Ericsson (May 2021); 6. CBRE (Mar 2021); 7. Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact (Mar 2021) 18
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