2020 Annual Report
Employee benefits-
a) Defined benefit plans:
A benefit plan is defined as an amount of pension benefit that an employee will receive in retirement, usually dependent on
one or more factors such as age, years of service, and compensation.
The liability recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position with respect to established benefit plans is
the present value of the established benefit obligation at the date of the consolidated statement of financial position. The
established benefit obligation is calculated annually by independent actuaries using the projected unit credit method. The
present value of the established benefit obligations is determined by discounting the estimated future cash flows using
the discount rates that are denominated in the currency in which the benefits will be paid, and which have maturities that
approximate the terms of the liability for pensions.
Actuarial gains and losses generated by adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions are recorded directly in equity
under other comprehensive income in the year in which they occur.
The Group determines the net financial expense (income) by applying the discount rate to the net established benefit
liability (asset).
Past service costs are immediately recognized in the income statement.
Seniority premiums
Group companies have established a plan as required by the Federal Labor Act (LFT, acronym in Spanish) with respect
to which Group companies that have personnel are bound to pay their workers and they are entitled to receive seniority
premiums at the end of the employment relationship after 15 years of service.
The liability or asset recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position with respect to seniority premiums
is classified as established benefits and is the present value of the established benefit obligation as of the date of the
consolidated statement of financial position. The established benefit obligation is calculated annually by independent
actuaries using the projected unit credit method. The present value of established benefit obligations is determined by
discounting the estimated cash flows using the interest rates of government bonds denominated in the same currency in
which the benefits will be paid and which have maturity terms that approximate the terms of the pension obligation.
Remeasurements arising from adjustments based on experience and changes in actuarial assumptions are charged or
credited to equity in other comprehensive income in the period in which they arise.
Past service costs are recognized immediately in profit or loss, unless changes in the pension plan are subject to the
employee continuing to work for a specific period of time (the period granting the right).
Defined contribution plans:
Pension plans
The subsidiary Tele Asesores, S.A. de C.V., has an established contribution plan, through which the Company pays fixed
contributions to an independent fund. The Company has no legal or assumed obligations to pay additional contributions if
the fund does not maintain sufficient assets to pay all employee benefits related to current or past services. Contributions are
recognized as employee benefit expenses on the date the contribution obligation is due.
c) Employee profit sharing
The Group recognizes a liability and an expense for bonuses and employee profit sharing based on a calculation that takes
into account the tax profit after certain adjustments. The Group recognizes a provision when it is contractually bound to do so
or when there is a past practice that generates an assumed obligation.
Capital stock-
Capital stock, the net premium in the placement of shares, the legal reserve, and retained earnings are expressed at historical
cost. Common shares are classified as capital.
Incremental costs directly attributable to the issuance of new shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction from the
amount received, net of tax.
a) Net premium for placement of shares
The net premium for placement of shares represents the excess difference between the payment for the subscribed shares
and the nominal value thereof.
b) Legal reserve
In accordance with the Mexican Corporations Act, the Company is required to appropriate at least 5% of the net income of
each year to increase the legal reserve. This practice must be continued each year until the legal reserve reaches 20% of the
value of the Company's share capital. The legal reserve may be capitalized but may not be distributed to the shareholders
unless the Group is dissolved. Also, the legal reserve must be replenished if it is reduced for any reason.
c) Provision for repurchase of shares
When a Group entity purchases shares issued by the Company (repurchased shares), the consideration paid, including the
costs directly attributable to said acquisition (net of taxes) is recognized as a decrease in the Group's equity until the shares
are canceled or reissued. When such shares are reissued, the consideration received, including the incremental costs directly
attributable to the transaction (net of taxes), are recognized in the Group's equity.
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