Investor Presentaiton
Potential Appendix Slides
⚫ VC Favorite Slide: Life-time Value of Customer (LTV) vs. Cost to Acquire Customer (CAC)
Timeline: History, Milestones & Prior Investment Rounds
Detailed Value Proposition to Clients / Users / Partners
Additional Screen Shots from Demo
Average Revenue Per User or Customer (ARPU)?
Pipeline of potential clients, % likelihood of closing, revenue potential from pipeline
Churn rate by cohort analysis
Detailed Financial Breakdown: Revenue % by type, expense % by type
Cash Runway (# months @ $ burn rate)
Breakeven Analysis: # Clients / $ Revenue needed to match $ expenses per month
Head Count Projections (# Employees) / Type of Key Hires Needed
Partnership Agreements / Structures
Proprietary aspects not discussed in core deck
Additional Strategy Slides: Ex. Architecture, How to avoid/limit circumvention, Funnel system of
business operations, Growth strategy
Capital Structure: Ownership of founders & current investors
• List of Competitor's Capital Raises & Investors
Summary Slide: Why We'll Be Successful (Add if deck > 15 slides, otherwise too redundant)
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