Event Passport Krasnodar Region
Event Passport
Krasnodar Region
Leading Industries
Agricultural Products
and Food Manufacturing
Agricultural Products
owadays the Krasno-
dar Region is one of the
leading Russian regions
by manufacturing and process-
ing of agricultural products and
supplies of foodstuffs to indus-
trial centres of the country. Ag-
ricultural lands of the Krasnodar
Region amount to 1/10 part of
lands of the entire Southern
4,716,000 ha Federal District. Chernozemic
more then
4% of Russian
and about
2% of chernozemic
world reserves
soils with the area of 4,716,000
ha (which is more than 4% of
Russian and about 2% of world
reserves) prevail on flat lands of
the territory. They are notable
for darker shades, looseness, a
good structure, nutritional den-
sity, and an ability to produce
heavy agricultural crops. Nat-
ural environmental conditions
provide an opportunity to grow
all the crops of the temperate
zone and some crops of the
subtropical zone on the terri-
tory of the region. The territory
consistently holds one of the
leading positions in Russia by
growing sugar beet, sunflower
seeds, fruits and berries, grapes.
Food Manufacturing
here are more than 2,200
ā food manufacturing in the
operational enterprises of
Krasnodar Region, and 200 of
them belong to the category of
large and medium businesses. The
sector manufactures over 2,500
items of food products, 40% of
which are promising developments
that meet the European quality
standards. Oil and fat, dairy, meat,
sugar, horticultural and food can-
ning industries prevail in the struc-
ture of food products produces in
the region.
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