CineStar Business Update
This presentation has been prepared for the purpose of providing the Group's
investors with general information regarding the Group's performance and plans
for the future. It should be read together with the Group's Annual Report and other
announcements lodged with the Australian Securities Exchange.
The presentation contains forward-looking statements and statements of opinion.
These may include statements regarding: the economic outlook; real estate
prices; demand for our services; guidance and forecasts; the plans, strategies
and objectives of management; closure or divestment of certain properties or
operations; anticipated construction commencement dates; capital expenditure or
costs and scheduling; availability of materials and skilled employees; and operating
costs. Forward looking statements are subject to a range of risk factors and are
not guarantees or predictions of future performance. The Group cautions against
reliance on any forward-looking statements, particularly given current economic
uncertainty, and the potential for factors outside of the Group's control to impact
on its plans for future growth, including in relation to major property developments
and other capital expenditure.
While the Group has prepared this information based on its current knowledge
and understanding and in good faith, there are risks and uncertainties involved
which could cause results to differ from projections. The Group will not be liable for
the correctness and/or accuracy of the information, nor any differences between
the information provided and actual outcomes, and reserves the right to change
its projections from time to time. The Group does not undertake to update any
forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this
presentation, except as required by applicable laws and the ASX Listing Rules.
The information included in this presentation is not investment or financial product
advice. Before making an investment decision, you should seek appropriate
financial advice, which may take into account your particular investment needs,
objectives and financial circumstances. Past performance is no guarantee of
future performance.View entire presentation