Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting Presentation
Publicly-Held Company of Authorized Capital
CNPJ/MF 90.400.888/0001-42 - NIRE 35.300.332.067
GENERAL MEETINGS - Shareholders are hereby invited to attend the
Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings ("OEGM") to be held on
April 26, 2024, at 3:00 PM, at the principal place of the Company,
located at Avenida Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek No. 2014 - 2nd
mezzanine, Vila Nova Conceição, São Paulo/SP, to resolve upon the
following Agenda:
At the Ordinary General Meeting:
(i) To TAKE the management accounts, to examine, discuss and vote
on the Company's Financial Statements related to the fiscal year
ended on December 31, 2023, accompanied by the Management
Report, the balance sheet, other parts of the financial statements,
external auditors' opinion and the Audit Committee Report;
(ii) TO DECIDE on the allocation of net income for the year 2023 and
the distribution of dividends; and
(iii) To FIX the annual global compensation of the Company's
management and members of Audit Committee.
At the Extraordinary General Meeting:
(i) To ELECT a new member to compose the Company's Board of Directors;
(ii) TO CONFIRM the composition of the Company's Board of Directors;
(iii) To INCREASE the Company's share capital, in the amount of R$
10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion Reais), without the issuance of new shares, through
the capitalization of part of the balance of the Company's statutory profit reserve;
(iv) To AMEND the caput of article 5 of the Company's Bylaws to reflect the increase
in its capital stock, if approved;
(v) TO CONSOLIDATE the Company's Bylaws; and
(vi) To AMEND the wording of article 7.2 of the Company's Long Term Incentive
General Plan, approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on December
21, 2016.
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