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Investor Presentation

CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL SUMMARY - Q1FY24 Key Performance Metrics Q1FY24 Q4FY23 Q1FY23 QoQ Growth YOY Growth Revenue from Operations ($mn) $88.1 $86.3 $73.6 0.4% (CC) 20.2% (CC) Revenue from Operations (Crore) 725.3 709.2 570.3 2.3% 27.2% Revenue Other Income (* Crore) 2.4 (0.4) 25.8 675.6% (90.8%) Total Income (* Crore) 727.6 708.8 596.0 2.7% 22.1% Op. EBITDA 127.0 125.5 109.2 1.2% 16.3% Margins (* Crore) PBT PAT Op. EBITDA Margin (%) PBT PAT Basic EPS (*) Diluted 100.3 96.3 121.9 4.2% (17.7)% 73.5 72.6 84.4 1.3% (12.8)% 17.5% 17.7% 19.2% (19)bps (164)bps 13.8% 13.6% 20.5% 21bps (667)bps 10.1% 10.2% 14.2% (14)bps (405)bps 23.0 23.9 25.7 22.7 23.5 25.1 Note: PAT includes impact of 1.1% due to Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) amortization *CC: Constant Currency Investor Presentation | Earning Deck Company Confidential Mastek 2023. All rights reserved | 10
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