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Investor Presentaiton

SDG and 2030 Agenda GRI 102-13 1 NO POVERTY GENDER 5 EQUALITY 3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Wo FOREWORD 2 ZERO HUNGER QUALITY EDUCATION SSS At Rede D'Or São Luiz, we understand our part in mitigating and contributing to solve major social and environmental problems of the contemporary world. Therefore, we have implemented a methodology to comply with the United Nations' (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Based on a Materiality matrix prepared in 2020 (see more in Materiality Process, on pages 19-20), we have defined the priority SDG for our operation. We are committed to the Global Compact principles and the 2030 Agenda, comprising 17 SDGs, which make up the most comprehensive process in the United Nation's history and is geared towards steer the world on a more sustainable path. Rede D' Or São Luiz committed to directly contribute to reach 9 of the 17 SDG, but indirectly supports and contributes to reach all of them. + 10 REDUCED INEQUALITIES € 7 AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY LIFE 14 / BELOW WATER 13 CLIMATE ACTION 6 CLEAN WATER AND SANITATI REDEDOR 8 SUSTAINABLE CITIES 11 AND COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIPS 17 FOR THE GOALS 9 INDUSTRY, INNOVATION, AND INFRASTRUCTURE DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 16 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS 15 REDE D'OR SÃO LUIZ | Annual Sustainability Report 2021 12 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION QO 15 LIFE ON LAND Priority Not a priority 16
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