1H22 Financial Performance
This document may include some statements related to the novobanco group that do not constitute a statement of financial results or other historical
information. These statements, which may include forward-looking statements, targets, objectives, forecasts, estimates, projections, expected cost savings,
statements regarding possible future developments or results of operations, and any forward-looking statement that includes statements such as "believes",
"expects", "aims or intends", "may" or similar expressions, constitute or may constitute forward-looking statements.
By their nature, forward-looking statements are inherently predictive, speculative, and involve risk and uncertainty. There are many factors that can lead to
results and developments that differ materially from those expressed or implied in forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to,
changes in economic conditions in countries where the novobanco group has operations, tax or other policies adopted by various governments or regulatory
entities in Portugal and in other jurisdictions, levels of competition from other Banks or financial entities, and future exchange rates and interest rate levels.
novobanco expressly disclaims any obligation or commitment to make any forward-looking review included in this document to reflect any event or change in
future circumstances occurring after the date hereof.
This document includes unaudited financial information.
Novo Banco, S.A.
Head Office: Avenida da Liberdade, n.º 195, 1250-142 Lisbon, Portugal
Registered at Lisbon Commercial Registry, under the single registration and tax identification number 513 204 016
Share Capital: 6 054 907 314 Euros represented by 9 954 907 311 shares
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