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Investor Presentaiton

Annual Report AR 2022 SUMMARY WHO WE ARE OUR STRENGTH AND OUR RESOURCES OUR RESULTS Financial resources The BCB annual net income is treated as follows: a) if positive, it is transferred to the National Treasury after the constitution of reserves, until the 10th working day after the approval of the balance sheet; and b) if negative, the National Treasury covers it, after the reversal of reserves and the use of institutional assets, observing the minimum limit for equity of 1.5% of the total assets, until the 10th working day of the year after the balance sheet approval. The positive result associated to operations with foreign exchange reserves and derivatives is destined to the constitution of a specific reserve aimed at offsetting negative results in future years. It may also be used for the payment of the Internal Federal Public Securities Debt (DPMFi) by the National Treasury exclusively when severe restrictions on liquidity conditions significantly affect the debt refinancing, as long as it is authorized by the CMN. In 2022, the negative net income of BRL 298,473 million, after the realization of the revaluation reserve (BRL 6 million), was covered by the reversal of the Result Reserve (BRL 179,132 million), by the reduction of the BCB's institutional equity (BRL 82,799 million) and by the constitution of a credit with the Federal Government, to be received by the 10th working day of the next fiscal year (BRL 36,536 million). Seigniorage Seigniorage, from an economic point of view, is the revenue derived from the monetary authority monopoly of currency issuance. The table below shows the result of seigniorage by the monetary concept, measured by the variation of the monetary base, discounting the inflation of the period and the cost of acquisition. Seigniorage (in BRL million) Variation of currency in circulation 2022 3,321 Variation of compulsory and voluntary deposits on cash resources and Instant Payments account 7,155 = Change in the monetary base 10,476 IPCA variation (Extended National Consumer Price Index) 5.79% Seigniorage revenue Currency production costs and issuing expenses = Result of seigniorage 9,903 (905) 8,998 58
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