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Many Traditions One Alaska - Financial Update

25 State of Alaska Legislative Finance Division (LFD) State office providing non-partisan budgetary and fiscal analysis to the Alaska Legislature. LFD supports finance committees during the development of the State's budget by providing accurate, relevant and objective information and analysis to aide lawmakers as they make budgetary decisions. To inform constituents regarding the state's finances, LFD provides a wide range of reports and process documents. Budget Handbook: Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Ensure the investment of state resources produce results that advances the Governor's priorities. OMB prepares the annual capital and operating budget and provides a budget submission timetable for executive branch agencies; coordinates the development of the Governor's budget and general appropriations budget bill; and reviews and approves proposed changes to agencies' plans to implement the budget appropriations. SoA Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) report.html A detailed presentation of the State's activities and balances for each fiscal year, which includes the UA. CAFR contains the independent auditor's report, management's discussion and analysis, government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, notes to the financial statements and required supplementary information. UNIVERSITY of ALASKA Many Traditions One Alaska
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