Investor Presentation February 2024 slide image

Investor Presentation February 2024

Summary of Reported and Adjusted Result by Operating Group (Canadian $ in millions unless otherwise stated) Revenue Total Bank Expenses Pre-Provision, Pre-tax Earnings Reported Q1 24 Q4 23 7,671 8,319 5,099 5,389 5,679 4,382 2,282 2,640 717 Adjusted Reported Adjusted (Canadian $ in millions unless otherwise stated) Q1 23 Total PCL (recovery) 627 446 217 Net Income 1,292 1,710 133 1,893 Q1 24 Q4 23 7,849 8,333 7,116 4,783 4,976 4,133 3,066 3,357 2,983 627 446 217 2,243 2,158 Q1 23 Wealth & Asset Management BMO Wealth Management Insurance Revenue Q1 24 Q4 23 1,247 1,247 1,180 81 218 (52) 1,328 1,465 1,128 Q1 23 Q1 24 Q4 23 Q1 23 1,247 1,247 81 1,180 218 (52) 1,328 1,465 1,128 Expenses 997 990 924 996 988 923 Pre-Provision, Pre-tax Earnings 331 475 204 332 477 205 U.S. Segment Net Income (US$) 184 364 (573) 623 750 661 Total PCL 13 1 6 13 1 6 Diluted EPS ($) 1.73 2.19 0.14 2.56 2.93 3.06 Net Income 240 351 159 241 352 160 Efficiency Ratio (%) 70.2 68.3 85.9 60.9 59.7 58.1 Wealth & Asset Management NI 187 202 202 188 203 203 ROE (%) 7.2 9.3 0.6 10.6 12.4 12.9 Insurance NI 53 149 (43) 53 149 (43) ROTCE² (%) 10.3 13.5 0.7 14.3 17.1 14.0 Efficiency Ratio (%) 75.0 67.7 82.0 74.9 67.5 81.9 ROE (%) 20.3 28.8 15.5 20.4 28.9 15.6 Net Interest Income 2,141 2,096 Canadian Non-Interest Revenue 637 P&C Revenue 2,778 700 2,796 Expenses 1,210 1,260 1,959 598 2,557 1,105 Pre-Provision, Pre-tax Earnings¹ 1,568 1,536 1,452 2,141 2,096 1,959 637 700 598 2,778 2,796 2,557 1,205 1,254 1,105 1,573 1,542 1,452 Global Markets 952 945 1,093 952 945 1,093 BMO Capital Markets³ I&CB 637 Revenue (teb) Expenses Pre-Provision, Pre-tax Earnings¹ 706 1,589 1,651 1,699 1,116 1,052 1,091 473 599 608 606 637 706 606 1,589 1,651 1,699 1,095 1,048 1,082 494 603 617 Total PCL (recovery) 295 265 144 295 265 144 Total PCL (recovery) (22) 1 (10) (22) 1 (10) Net Income 921 922 951 925 926 951 Net Income 393 472 488 408 475 495 Efficiency Ratio (%) 43.6 45.0 43.2 43.4 44.8 43.2 U.S. Net Income ($US) 131 118 97 138 118 100 ROE (%) 22.8 26.1 30.9 23.0 26.3 30.9 Efficiency Ratio (%) 70.2 63.7 64.2 69.0 63.5 63.7 ROE (%) 11.6 15.2 15.7 12.0 15.3 15.9 Net Interest Income (teb) 1,537 US P&C Non-Interest Revenue (US$MM)³ Revenue (teb) Expenses 1,521 1,067 296 301 225 1,833 1,822 1,292 1,094 1,138 607 1,537 1,521 1,067 296 301 225 1,833 1,822 1,292 1,019 1,062 606 Revenue (477) Corporate Services³ Group teb offset Revenue (teb) Expenses (81) (2019) (28) (95) (78) (299) (67) (2) (28) (95) (78) (505) (176) (2097) (327) (162) (80) 600 824 447 121 239 210 Pre-Provision, Pre-tax Earnings¹ 739 684 685 814 760 686 Total PCL (recovery) 217 129 41 217 129 41 Total PCL (recovery) Net Income 51 3 22 51 3 22 (822) (626) (2130) (316) (180) (114) Net Income 419 433 495 475 490 496 Net Income (CDE$) Efficiency Ratio (%) ROE (%) 59.7 6.6 560.0 591.0 665.0 62.4 47.0 7.1 18.7 635.0 670.0 666.0 55.6 58.2 7.5 8.1 46.9 18.7 Prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform with the current period presentation, including the retrospective application of IFRS 17 Adjusted results and measures are non-GAAP. See slide 57 for adjustments to reported results, and slide 56 and the Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures sections of the First Quarter 2024 MD&A for further information 1 Reported and adjusted pre-provision pre-tax earnings (PPPT) are non-GAAP measures. See slide 56 for more information and slide 59 for calculation of PPPT 2 Reported and adjusted return on tangible common equity (ROTCE) are non-GAAP measures. See slide 56 and Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures section of the First Quarter 2024 MD&A for more information 3 U.S P&C and BMO Capital Markets operating group results are presented on a taxable equivalent basis (teb). This teb adjustment is offset in Corporate Services BMOM Investor Presentation ⚫ February 2024 60
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