2022 Full Year Results slide image

2022 Full Year Results

Corporate and Institutional Banking - 4Q22 4Q22 4Q21 4Q22 / 3Q22 4Q22 / 2022 2021 2022 / €m 4Q21 3Q22 2021 Corporate and Institutional Banking Revenues 3,858 3,264 +18.2% 3,799 +1.5% 16,465 14,236 +15.7% Operating Expenses and Dep. -2,743 -2,348 +16.8% -2,343 +17.1% -10,753 -9,467 +13.6% Gross Operating Income 1,115 915 +21.8% 1,456 -23.4% 5,712 4,769 +19.8% Cost of Risk -157 80 n.s. -90 +73.8% -325 -173 +88.2% Operating Income 958 996 -3.8% 1,366 -29.9% 5,387 4,596 +17.2% Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities 2 6 -70.7% 5 -64.2% 20 33 -39.0% Other Non Operating Items -8 1 n.s. -3 n.s. -10 24 n.s. Pre-Tax Income 952 1,003 -5.0% 1,369 -30.4% 5,398 4,654 +16.0% Cost/Income 71.1% 72.0% -0.9 pt 61.7% +9.4 pt 65.3% 66.5% -1.2 pt Allocated Equity (Єbn, year to date) 29.9 26.2 +14.3% Revenues: +18.2% vs. 4Q21 (+15.2% at constant scope and exchange rates) Very strong increase in all three business lines: Global Banking (+15.0%), Global Markets (+23.8%), Securities Services (+12.8%) Operating expenses: +16.8% vs. 4Q21 (+12.8% vs. 4Q21 at constant scope and exchange rates) • Impact of the faster pace of growth in activity in 4Q22 • Exchange-rate and scope impact (~25% of growth vs. 4Q21) • Positive jaws effect (+1.4 pt) - positive jaws effect across all three businesses: Global Banking (+1.6 pt), Global Markets (+2.9 pts), Securities Services (+2.1 pts) Cost of risk: cost of risk driven up by provisions on performing loans (stages 1 & 2) (reminder: net release of provisions in 4Q21) BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world 2022 Full Year Results | 60
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