Earnings Rebound and Credit Performance slide image

Earnings Rebound and Credit Performance

Fair Value Valuation 18 ($ in thousands) UNAUDITED 9/30/2023 12/31/2022 Outstanding Principal $415,933 $402,180 Interest Rate 155.4% 152.4% Discount Rate 26.3% 25.9% Servicing Cost¹ (3.2)% (5.0)% Remaining Life 0.617 years 0.593 years Default Rate¹ Accrued Interest¹ Prepayment Rate¹ Premium to Principal¹ 1. Stated as a percentage of outstanding principal. 24.4% 20.3% 3.9% 3.9% 21.1% 21.3% 8.2% 9.8% Key Highlights Interest rate increased by 300 bps due to relative increase in base APR loans in the portfolio and a shift away from states with lower statutory rates Servicing cost decreased by 180 bps to reflect more recent cost trends Default rate increased by 410 bps due to 2022 vintages with elevated losses OppFi¨
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