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Investor Presentaiton

Armour Energy and controlled entities Financial report continued Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued NOTE 8. INCOME TAX CONTINUED (B) RECONCILIATION OF NET DEFERRED TAX Reconciliation of net deferred tax Prior year Opening Net charged balance to income 1 July 2018 Net charged to other comprehensive income Net charged to equity Closing Balance 30 June 2019 Opening balance Net charged Net charged to other comprehensive Deferred tax asset to income income Net charged to equity Closing Balance Carried forward losses 12,196,242 Accruals/ Provisions 145,081 (3,691,154) 60,803 8,505,088 205,884 1 July 2019 30 June 2020 Property, Plant & Equipment (Armour) Capital raising costs through P&L Capital raising costs in equity 12,572 203,757 65,523 (94,760) (26,626) 8,505,088 (5,560,815) 205,884 116,569 12,572 108,998 (37,275) 88,307 (40,882) 1,378,837 781,927 1,361,531 264,504 298,062 7,664 2,944,273 322,453 12,572 71,723 73,699 121,124 Provision for rehabilitation Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income Amortisation of Convertible Notes Amortisation of Tribeca Facility 1,378,837 12,572 108,997 49,410 88,307 1,378,837 143,830 638,097 781,927 834,970 526,561 264,504 1,361,531 264,504 1,378,837 446,252 1,228,179 Potential benefit at 30% 14,980,812 (2,960,672) 638,097 49,410 12,707,647 1,361,531 562,566 Deferred tax liability 50,639 58,303 Exploration & Evaluation assets Oil & Gas assets (13,551,293) (1,429,519) 521,969 1,751,196 (13,029,324) 321,677 12,707,648 (5,216,677) 446,252 124,338 8,061,561 Potential benefit at 30% (14,980,812) 2,273,165 (12,707,647) For personal lien only. Tax benefit at 30% 11,949,570 4,045,786 Deferred tax assets not recognised Unused tax losses 39,831,901 13,485,952 Net deferred tax Potential benefit at 30% (12,707,647) 4,740,366 Oil & Gas assets Deferred tax liability Exploration & Evaluation assets (13,029,324) 321,677 4,380,747 332,453 27,166 Deferred tax asset Carried forward tax losses Accruals/provisions Property, Plant & Equipment (Armour) Capital raising costs through P&L Capital raising costs in equity Provision for rehabilitation (Surat Basin) Available for sale financial assets Amortisation of Convertible Notes Amortisation of Tribeca Facility Lease Liabilities 72 (687,507) 638,097 49,410 (94,280) (8,648,577) 654,130 (67,114) Net deferred tax Deferred tax assets not recognised Unused tax losses 30,127,464 9,704,437 (94,280) (8,061,561) Tax benefit at 30% 9,038,239 2,911,331 (476,310) 446,252 30,058 53,317,853 39,831,901 11,949,570 In order to recoup carried forward losses in future periods, either the Continuity of Ownership Test (COT) or Same Business Test (SBT) must be passed. The majority of losses are carried forward at 30 June 2020 under COT. Deferred tax assets which have not been recognised as an asset, will only be obtained if: 15,995,356 1. The Group derives future assessable income of a nature and of an amount sufficient to enable the losses to be realised. 2. The Group continues to comply with the conditions for deductibility imposed by the law; and 3. No changes in tax legislation adversely affect the Group in realising the losses. (C) PETROLEUM RESOURCES RENT TAX On 19 March 2012, the Australian Government passed through the Senate, the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax Act 2012, with application to certain profits arising from petroleum extracted in Australia. In broad terms, the tax was imposed on a project- by-project basis. A bill was introduced in the Australian Parliament on 13 February 2019 to reform the Petroleum Rent Resource Tax (PRRT) measures in Australia. Schedule 2 of the reform bill relates to onshore petroleum projects, and from 1 July 2019 PRRT ceased to apply. The reform subsequently received Royal Assent and was enacted on 5 April 2019 without any amendments. 73
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