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Investor Presentaiton

Independent Review of RBD Bangladesh's Development Public Expenditure Regrettably, the repeated incidence of inability to utilise planned budgetary allocation continues in FY22. Total expenditure posted a meagre growth of 1.4% during Jul-Dec of FY22 compared to the corresponding period of FY21. ➤ Largely driven by ADP expenditure (6.7%). ➤ Substantially lower than the revenue mobilisation growth of 15.3%. ADP, as well as operational expenditure, will need to grow by 51.1% and 43.8% respectively, over the remaining six months of FY22 to reach the public expenditure targets. The lower expenditure growth, coupled with higher revenue generation growth, resulted in a budget surplus of Tk. 1,130 crore during the first half of FY22 - an undesirable situation in the present context. Growth of public expenditure components (%) Component Total expenditure ADP expenditure Non-ADP expenditure Source: Calculated from MoF data FY21 FY21 FY22 Target Actual Target Jul-Dec Required growth Jan-Jun FY22 FY22 35.2 9.3 31.4 32.0 2.8 41.1 1.4 6.7 46.8 51.1 37.0 13.2 26.3 -0.2 43.8 CPD (2022): State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2021-22 (Third Reading) 20
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