Investor Presentaiton
About the report
Our Annual Report - Crop year
2019/2020 presents our performance
in the governance, economic and
financial, social and environmental
dimensions in the period between
April 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020,
as well as our future prospects, and
encompasses all our operations.
| 102-50 |
In line with the rules of the Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI), Standards
option: Essential, and with the
premises of the International
Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the
content was drawn up based on our
materiality matrix, revised during the
previous crop year, and which reflects
our impacts, risks and opportunities.
The materiality review process
involved the phases presented
below, during which we consulted
91 employees and 64 external
stakeholders - agricultural
partners, suppliers, the financial
market, customers, civil society,
the press, development banks,
trade associations and government
representatives - in addition to
interviewing six financial market
executives. The review resulted in
11 issues considered by Atvos to be
material, three of which are priorities
and eight very important. | 102-40 |
102-42 | 102-43|
Analysis of documents and
drawing up of the list of
themes: consultations and
research of sector studies,
sector benchmarking studies
and internal documents, which
resulted in a preliminary list of
24 themes to be prioritized.
Prioritization of the themes:
on-line questionnaire to
obtain the perception of
internal and external stakeholders,
and interviews with financial
market executives and the senior
management of Atvos.
Results of the prioritization:
a list with 11 priority,
very important and
important themes.
Validation: material themes
validated by the company, based on
the studies undertaken and on the
stakeholder consultation process.
for the
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