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2020 Annual Report

2020 ANNUAL REPORT CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MEGACABLE. (a) Basis of preparation and authorization- The Group's consolidated financial statements as at December 31, 2020 and 2019 and for the years then ended have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"). IFRS include: i) International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"); ii) International Accounting Standards ("IAS"); iii) Interpretations by the International Accounting Standard Committee ("IASC"); and iv) Interpretations by the Standard Interpretations Committee ("SIC"). The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis. The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires that certain critical accounting estimates be made. It also requires management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the Group's accounting policies. Changes in assumptions could potentially have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements for the period. Management considers that the assumptions are appropriate. The areas that require a higher degree of judgment or complexity, or the areas in which the estimates and assumptions are important for the consolidated financial statements are disclosed in Note 4. (b) Consolidation and investments in joint arrangements and shares- a) Subsidiaries Subsidiaries are all the entities over which the Group has control. The Group controls an entity when it is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. When the Group's interest in subsidiaries is less than 100%, the interest attributed to external shareholders is reflected as non-controlling interest. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date they are controlled by the Group and cease to be consolidated when said control is lost. For the purposes of consolidation, the Group consolidates three subsidiaries over which it has control with a 51% share. The Group uses the purchase method of accounting to recognize its business acquisitions. The consideration paid for the acquisition of a subsidiary is based on the fair value of the net assets transferred, the liabilities assumed, and the capital issued by the Group. The consideration for an acquisition also includes the fair value of those contingent amounts to be collected or paid as part of the agreement. Acquisition-related costs are recognized as expenses as incurred. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are generally initially recognized at their fair values at the acquisition date. The Group recognizes the non-controlling interest in the acquired entity either at fair value at the acquisition date or at the proportional value of the identifiable net assets of the acquired entity. If the business combination is presented in stages, the book value of the acquirer's previous interest in the acquiree at the acquisition date is adjusted to the fair value at the acquisition date, and any differences are recognized in profit or loss. The excess of the consideration transferred, the non-controlling interest in the acquired entity, and the fair value of any previous participation (if applicable) of the Group in the acquired entity (if applicable) over the fair value of the assets identifiable net of the acquired entity is recognized as goodwill. If such comparison gives rise to an advantageous purchase, such as a purchase at a bargain price, the difference is recognized directly in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. Any contingent consideration to be paid by the Group is recognized at its fair value at the acquisition date. Subsequent changes to the fair value of the contingent consideration recognized as an asset or liability are recognized in accordance with IAS 39 either in income or in comprehensive income. The contingent consideration that is classified as capital does not require adjustment, and its subsequent settlement is recorded in equity. Transactions, balances, and unrealized profits or losses resulting from operations between Group companies have been eliminated. The accounting policies applied by the subsidiaries have been modified to ensure their consistency with the accounting policies adopted by the Group, where necessary. The companies listed below are those over which the Group has control and that are included in the consolidated financial statements (all subsidiaries are variable capital companies, except for Liderazgo Empresarial en Tecnologías de la Información, Servicios Especiales Turandot, and Werther Administración Integral, which are equity firms): Subsidiary Mega Cable Shareholding 2020 2019 Corporate Purpose 99.99 99.99 Holder and lessor of infrastructure to subsidiaries. Operations in the cable systems of Sinaloa, Sonora, Occidente (West), Centro (Central Mexico), the Gulf (Golfo) region, Chiapas, the State of Mexico, León, and Los Cabos, among others. Telefonía por Cable 99.99 99.99 MCM Holding (MCM) 99.99 99.99 Local telephone services in Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey. Liderazgo Empresarial en Tecnologías de la Información (Ho1a) 99.99 99.99 The holding company and its subsidiaries are engaged in the provision of installation services and the sale of communication services in Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, and Cancún, among others. Productora y Comercializadora de Televisión (PCTV) 81.98 81.98 Purchase and sale of national and international television signals, sale of television ads and advertising spaces, the production and co-production of programs. and Operations in the cable systems primarily in Sahuayo and Myc Red 51.00 51.00 Jiquilpan, Michoacán. TV Cable del Golfo 99.99 99.99 Technical staff services. Servicios Técnicos de Visión por Cable 99.99 99.99 Technical staff services. Mega Ventas 99.99 99.99 Sales staff services. 38
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