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Sustainable Bond Framework

ROC's Eligible Green Project Categories Overview Eligible Categories Clean Transportation O 13 Renewable Energy UN SDGs Measures related to: 13 Eligibility Criteria Electric vehicles (e.g. expanding charging infrastructure), enlarging and improving bicycle infrastructure, infrastructure (e.g. pavements, bike lanes) dedicated to personal mobility devices whose propulsion comes from the physical activity of the user and/or zero-emission motor and related R&D activities Expenditures related to: • Production, acquisition, operation or distribution of renewable energy (e.g. solar, biomass), connection of renewable energy to the grid, transmission of renewable energy and related R&D activities Support for: Energy efficient solutions for commercial, public and industrial sectors (including smart grids), residential energy efficiency programmes (including heating, retrofit and insulation), reduction of energy use in industrial processes and related R&D activities Identification and remediation of contaminated sites, measures supporting the development of waste management activities such as waste prevention, waste reduction and recycling and projects and R&D on resource efficiency and environmentally friendly waste management including the avoidance, re-use, reduction and recycling of waste 13 Energy Efficiency • O Pollution prevention 3 and Control الله Biodiversity 14 conservation and со environmentally sustainable manage- ment of living natural resources and land use Sustainable water and = wastewater management Climate change adaptation Circular economy adapted products, production tech- 13 11 nologies and processes Green buildings A W DOWNH 用 Q Protection and enhancement of terrestrial and marine biodiversity, ecosystems and natural capital, protection of wetlands, conservation, restoration and rehabilitation of land to maintain or improve the habitat, including through the establishment of protected land or national parks, environmental protection measures in agriculture and sustainable forest management, including afforestation, rehabilitation, and conservation Programmes designed to preserve water assets, improve the ecological status and quality of water, sanitation and wastewater treatment, such as: Building supply, purification and sewage treatment infrastructure, excluding fossil fuel operations, construction, operation, maintenance and upgrades of own infrastructures for the management of water resources, increasing water recycling and wastewater treatment facilities and actions aimed at promoting the efficient use of water and improving the quality of the water environment Extreme weather events observation and monitoring systems, flood and forest fire protection, resilience and other risk mitigation programmes, data driven climate monitoring solutions and engineering activities and technical consultancy dedicated to adaptation to climate change Expenditures related to the promotion of a circular economy, such as: Collection, treatment and recycling of municipal waste, and projects supporting the use of sustainable production and sustainable consumption practices New buildings and the relevant renovation works of existing buildings which have received or are expected to receive a recognized green building certifications, including: LEED "Gold" or above, BREEAM "Excellent" or above and EPC "A", as well as any other local equivalent standards 34
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