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Investor Presentaiton

110 Likelihood of Using Robo-Advisers: 14% say they are likely to use robo-¹¹ adviser if opening a new account; slightly below national avg (18%) Q If you were planning to open a new account - or to move an existing account - how likely would you be to use an online investment adviser for that account, rather than a traditional in-person adviser?* [asked of all respondents; national n=5,000, Manitoba n=500] Segmentation (Manitoba 2020) Respondents who say "very/somewhat likely" National % Likely Manitoba % Likely Investor Segments No savings Savings, non-investor 16% 9% Non-frequent investor 11% Frequent investor 31% Investment Knowledge 4% 2020 14% 24% 44% 14% 2020 18% 13% 26% 47% 14% 14% Low Medium High E 13% 17% 14% Advised Segments Non-investor 12% DIY investor 15% Advised investor 18% Manitoba Region Winnipeg 18% South/West 13% Central/North 4% 2017 4% 18% 26% 40% 12% 2017 16% 23% 45% 12% Winnipeg Region 23% 20% Central/North 15% East 22% South/West 16% Age 18-34 24% 35-54 15% Very Likely Somewhat Likely Not very likely Not likely at all Don't know 55+ 4% Gender Men 18% Women 11% *Note: In 2017, question text was "... how likely would you be to use an automated online service for that account...?"; 2017 national n=5,000, MB n=500
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