Bank of Ireland Financial Overview slide image

Bank of Ireland Financial Overview

Underlying Cost-to-income ratio Headline vs. Adjusted Net interest income Other income Bank of Ireland FY 2023 Headline (€m) 3,682 Pro forma adjustments (€m) FY 2023 Pro forma (€m) 3,682 - Business income 707 707 - Additional gains and other valuation items 39 (39) 0 Total Income 4,428 (39) 4,389 Costs - Operating expenses Costs Cost income ratio Underlying Cost-to-income ratio excludes: Levies and regulatory fees Non-core items (1,857) (1,857) 42% . (1,857) (1,857) 42% FY23 adjusted cost-to-income ratio is adjusted for: Additional gains, valuation and other items of €39m 56
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