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Investor Presentaiton

Appendix 1 - Bpifrance: a century of public banking 1923 Creation of Crédit national hôtelier 1936 Act that sets out mutual guarantee schemes (Art. 8) and creates the Caisse nationale des marchés de l'État (CNME) 1938 Crédit national hôtelier becomes Caisse centrale de crédit hôtelier, commercial et industriel (CCCHCI) 1967 Creation of Agence nationale de valorisation de la recherche (ANVAR) 1974 > Creation of Groupement interprofessionnel de la petite et moyenne entreprise (GIPME), spin-off of Confédération générale des petites et moyennes entreprises (CGPME) 1979 > Act governing state aid granted for innovation purposes, and entrusted to ANVAR 1980 > Creation of Crédit d'équipement des PME (CEPME) arising from the merger of CCCHI, CNME and GIPME 1982 > Creation of Sofaris, in charge of the management of guarantee funds 1984 > Creation, together with Cdc1, of Avenir Entreprises, the equity investment business of CEPME 1996 > Creation of Banque du développement des PME (BDPME) resulting from the merger of CEPME and Sofaris 1998 Creation of CDC PME, direct subsidiary of CdC, in charge of managing the << SME Programme²>> 2002 CDC PME becomes a majority shareholder of Avenir Entreprises 2004 CDC PME becomes CDC Entreprises, a wholly owned subsidiary of CdC 1967 1923 CREDIT NATIONAL HOTELIER 1938 CCCHCI CAISSE CENTRALE BU CREDIT HOTELIER COMMERCIAL ANVAR INDUSTRIEL AGENCE NATIONALE DE VALORISATION DE LA RECHERCHE 1936 CNME CAISSE NATIONALE DES MARCHES 1974 DE L'ETAT 1980 CEPME CREDIT d'ÉQUIPEMENT DES PME A1996 BDPME BANQUE DU DEVELOPPEMENT DES PME 2005 OSEO GIPME GROUPEMENT INTER PROFESSIONNEL DE LA PETITE MOYENNE ENTREPRISE 1982 SOFARIS 2008 1984 AVENIR ENTREPRISES 4. Appendices 1998 CDC PME A 2008 FSI REGIONS 2004 FSI CDC FONDS STRATEGIQUE ENTREPRISES d'INVESTISSEMENT 2005 2007 Creation of OSEO formed by the merger of BDPME and ANVAR Agence de l'innovation industrielle (All) merged into OSEO 2008 > Creation of Fonds Stratégique d'Investissement (FSI) 2011 > Avenir Entreprises becomes FSI Régions 2012 Act on the creation of Bpifrance (31/12/2012) 2013 Official set-up of Bpifrance formed by the merger of OSEO, CDC Entreprises and FSI i (12/07/2013) 2014 CDC Entreprises, FSI and FSI Régions are transferred to Bpifrance Investissement, the group's single asset management company (01/04/2014) 2017 Coface DGP, the State Export Guarantees activity, is transferred to Bpifrance and becomes Bpifrance Assurance Export (01/01/2017), the new French export credit Agency (ECA) on behalf of, for and under the control of the State 2019 Agence France Entrepreneur (AFE) is transferred to Bpifrance and becomes Bpifrance Creation. CDC International Capital is transferred to Bpifrance and becomes Bpifrance International Capital 2013 Bpifrance 2017 ACCOMPAGNEMENT COFACE DGP FONDS PROPRES ASSURANCE -EXPORT INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION GARANTIE FINANCEMENT bpifrance 1. Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CdC) / 2. CdC started the equity investment business in 1994. 28
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