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California Updates & ESG Initiatives

Key Statistics by State ' As of December 31, 2023 Capital Structure and Authorized ROE Authorized capital structure (debt/equity) Authorized ROE Rate Base California Connecticut Maine1 Texas 45% / 55% 47% / 53% 50% / 50% 42% / 58%2 9.31%3 9.00% 9.70% 10.88%² Authorized rate base (in millions) $1,114 $620 $135 $432 Estimated rate base at year-end (in millions) 4 $1,136 $731 $172 $1072 Connections Water connections Wastewater connections Total Connections 232,400 107,700 33,800 28,000 0 232,400 3,000 110,700 0 950 33,800 28,950 1 Authorized capital structure and ROE for Maine Water's largest division, the Biddeford and Saco division. Effective January 1, 2024, the Biddeford and Saco division's authorized ROE is 9.5% and its authorized capital structure is 49% debt and 51% equity. 2 Estimated Approved WCCM-adjusted return on equity is 10.01% starting January 1, 2024, less a 20 basis point reduction due to the reimplementation of the WCMA 3 4 An approximation of rate base that includes net utility plan not yet included in rate base pending rate case filings and outcomes SJW Group 40
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