Economic Outlook and Trade Analysis slide image

Economic Outlook and Trade Analysis

Ohio, 3.40% Florida, 3.59% Michigan, 3.59% TRADE FROM THE US TO MEXICO Total US Exports by state Total California exports by sector Other states, 46.4% Illinois, 4.22% New York, 5.53% Washington, 5.75% Texas, 16.52% California, 11.01% Other countries, Total California exports by 47.0% final destination Canada, 10.4% Mexico, 16.2% China, 8.7% Japan, 7.1% Scotia Wealth M Korea, 5.3% HK, 5.3% Iron & Steel, 3.2%. Medical Equipment, 4.1% Chemicals, 3.0% Aerospace Industry, 2.7% Machinery, 26.0% Plastics, 10.2% Oil & Gas, 11.5% Electronic equipment, 25.4% Vehicles, 13.9% Source: Prepared by SWM using data from the US Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2015.
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