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Dubai Economic Update

Credit Quality Retail and Corporate Loans & Receivables Corporate Credit Quality Impaired loan ratio 13.8% at Q4 2011 vs. 12.0% at Q3 2011 97.6% of the portfolio is to UAE customers where the Bank has long-standing relationships Exposure is mainly to top tier names with diversified business interests and multiple sources of repayment Environment necessitates renegotiation of certain customer accounts: these reflect renegotiated repayment terms in line with underlying cash flows; and without sacrificing interest or principal Corporate & Sovereign Lending Portfolio • Real Estate & Contracting Exposures to Real Estate and Contracting Sector are AED 25.3b (15.1%) and AED 7.1b (4.1%) respectively Selectively financing real estate sector; extent of finance is generally limited to: 70% of construction cost excluding land; and Transport & communicat. By Sector(1) 100% AED 167.5 b = ion 3% Contracting 4% - • land and cost overruns to be financed by the owner Real Estate financing is restricted to Emirates of Dubai & Abu Dhabi Manufacturi ng Trade 4% 4% Others 4% • . Exposures to these sectors are mainly to diversified businesses having multiple repayment sources of repayment Repayment experience is satisfactory Approximately 49% of the Real Estate portfolio has a repayment maturity of < 3 years Personal - Corporate 6% Sovereign 35% Services 9% Banks & Real Fls estate 16% 15% Personal loans Portfolio AED 5.5b (26.5%) 56% of value is to UAE nationals; 60% of value is to government employees Personal loans are only granted subject to salary assignment Personal Loans losses well within original expectations 2010 & 2011 delinquency trends improving Credit Cards Portfolio AED 2.9b (14.2%) Product with highest yield in Retail Portfolio 90+ delinquencies better than industry benchmarks Measures taken to control exposures on unutilised limits 2010 & 2011 delinquency trends improving Retail Lending Portfolio Car loans Portfolio AED 2.7b (13.0%) Portfolio balance has declined from Q2 2009 due to changes in credit policy Minimum Income threshold has been raised Down payment of 10-20% mandatory based on customer profiles 2010 & 2011 delinquency trends improving Mortgages Portfolio AED 3.5b (17.0%) Only offered for premium developers Completed properties account for 87% of the portfolio Average LTV is 75% on original value By Sector(1) 100% = AED 21.6b Others 5% Overdrafts 13% Personal Loans 26% Car Loans > 75% of the customers have only one loan from Emirates NBD 13% Mortgages 17% 2010 & 2011 delinquency trends improving Credit Cards 14% Time Loans 12% 1) Loans and advances before provisions; Corporate & Sovereign Lending sectoral breakdown as per "Analysis by Economic Activity for Assets" in note 50, page 95 of the FY 2011 Financial statements Emirates NBD 21 21
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