G20 Development Working Group Submissions
67. "Encourage further
exploration of effective
mechanisms to mobilize public
and private funds for inclusive
green growth investment in
developing countries, including
through the public-private
Dialogue Platform on Inclusive
Green Investments. We welcome
the B20's Green Growth Action
Alliance" (2012 Leaders'
September 2013: Follow-up on the report
on extended stocktaking exercise, to be presented
at the 2013 Leaders' Summit.
2013: Work is ongoing to officially establish
the DPIGI.
October 2012: The DWG receives an
updated concept note on the DPIGI and terms of
reference for the second phase of stocktaking from
the IFC and the Global Green Growth Institute
June 2012: G20 leaders encourage
expansion of the IFC's initial stocktaking through a
multi-stakeholder dialogue, which could serve as a
basis for establishing the DPIGI.
This action
is being
as planned, but
further work
is required to
finalize the
establishment of
the platformView entire presentation