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Investor Presentaiton

Woolworths Group Full Year Results 2023 Glossary 445 Active eCom customers AGW B2B B2C CAGR Cash realisation ratio Comparable sales Cost of doing business (CODB) Customer fulfilment centre (CFC) DAP DC Direct to boot E2E eStore Four-year CAGR Funds employed HSR MSRDC Customers that have made a purchase online in the last four weeks Australian Grocery Wholesalers Pty Limited Business to business Business to customer Compound annual growth rate Operating cash flow as a percentage of Group net profit after tax before depreciation and amortisation Measure of sales which excludes stores that have been opened or closed in the last 12 months and demonstrable impact on existing stores from store disruption as a result of store refurbishment or new store openings/closures Expenses which relate to the operation of the business Dedicated online distribution centres Directly-attributable profit includes costs directly-attributable to the B2C eCommerce business, such as picking, packing and delivery costs; marketing costs; eCom support costs; and variable DC costs Distribution centre Where a customer places an order online and drives to a dedicated area where a team member places the order directly in the customer's boot End-to-end Dedicated store for the fulfilment of online orders, sometimes incorporating automation Four-year compound annual growth rate. F23 results have been compared to normalised F19 results which have removed the impact of the 53rd week and if AASB 16 had been in place in F19 Net assets employed, excluding net tax balances Health Star Rating Melbourne South Regional Distribution Centre Woolworths Group
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