Sustainability Report 2021 Vivara slide image

Sustainability Report 2021 Vivara

Training 404-1 www Health and quality of life 103-2 | 103-3| 403-1 | 403-8 90.69 training hours per employee 111.58 training hours per employee per store On-site classes: Webinar: 4,632 hours 16.18 training hours per corporate employee 302,633 training hours 17,814 hours On the job: 177,492 hours People care was even more important in 2021, the year to relax isolation without giving up sanitary protocols. With the ad- vent of the second wave of the pandem- ic, we started holding weekly meetings with store managers, aiming at ensuring everyone's protection. Since the onset of the pandemic, we have by liberality kept pregnant women working from home during 2021, regardless of changes in laws, maintaining their activity in a remote format through the digital platforms. We kept all health and safety measures related to the pandemic at the work en- vironment, with a health questionnaire, screening, informative lectures, physi- cal signs for social distancing, provi- sion of alcohol gel, protective masks, and inclusion of partitions for greater isolation of the employees in possible activities, in addition to daily monitor- ing of suspected and confirmed cases and vaccination records. All our employees are covered by collec- tive labor agreements. With publication of Provisional Measure 1,045 in April, we have negotiated several collective la- bor agreements with the representative labor unions in each location to ensure better conditions for our employees, giv- en the reduced work hours and contract suspension measures required due to government restrictions imposed by the pandemic. 102-41 We are committed to the promotion of a safe and healthy work environ- ment. A consultancy specialized in occupational health and safety is responsible for managing the Pre- vention and Environmental Risks Program as well as the Occupation- al Health Medical Control Program. The indicators of the area are man- aged by the Integrated Occupational Management Software (SOC), which covers 100% of the workforce. We make periodic evaluations of com- pliance with the rules via monitoring. We recorded no fatalities or serious incidents in 2021, with only four acci- dents in total. 403-9 In addition to the existing health programs, the following were im- plemented in the year: Personal Support Program (psychological/ legal/financial), Pregnant Women Program, Chronic Illness Program, Integral Mente (psychological sup- port program for critical cases), and telemedicine with medical and psy- chological services. We provide an extensive benefit plan to all employees, which in- cludes medical and dental care, vaccination and health campaigns, life insurance, profit sharing, five- year salary, birthday day off, gym plan, and payroll-deductible loans, among others. 401-2 Online training: 102,695 hours 198 contents published in 2021 (up 119% in comparison to 2020) 9,47 of average evaluation score for the activities 3.337 employees registered on the Mundo Vivara training platform 46 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 VIVARA SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021 VIVARA 47
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