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Investor Presentaiton

DBJ's GRIT Strategy ■DBJ's GRIT Strategy is in line with the Japanese Government's environmental policy with the aim to achieve 46% GHG emission reduction by FY2030 (from FY2013) and carbon neutrality in 2050. DBJ intends to pursue net zero GHG emissions for its investment and loan portfolio by 2050. Out of JPY 13 trillion total investments and loans target set out in the fifth medium-term management plan, DBJ aims to provide JPY 5.5 trillion over 5 years as investments and loans under the GRIT Strategy. DBJ GRIT Strategy 2050 Realize Sustainability Japan Achieve Carbon Neutrality (1) Leveraging our integrated investment and loan services 2030 Green Purpose Aim to reduce GHG emissions 2030 by 46% (1) vs FY2013 Establish 2050 Growth Strategy Task Force to devise GRIT Strategy 2020 Innovation Instruments Transition (1) Japanese government announced targets. Green Resilience Fifth Medium-Term Management Plan Cumulative investment & loans target Resilience & Recovery Innovation ¥13 trillion (FY2021-2025) * 5.5 trillion for GRIT Strategy Transition Transformation Renewable energy, Green buildings, etc. ⚫ Resilient infrastructure, Healthcare, Regional development, Crisis response, etc. Society5.0 challenge investment, R&D for innovation, etc. Transition finance, etc. 13 Declare Japan's aim to achieve carbon neutrality (1) 2020 by 2050 DBJ
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