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Investor Presentaiton

9 4 This would allow the company to fulfill all its contractual liabilities in 2022 and 2023. 160% 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% CGNI consolidated cash balance measured relatively against cash balance as of 31/5/2022* 0% V-22 VI-22 VII-22 VIII-22 IX-22 X-22 XI-22 XII-22 1-23 II-23 III-23 IV-23 V-23 VI-23 VII-23 VIII-23 IX-23 X-23 XI-23 XII-23 Base-case FC1 S1: Gas flow decreased to 30% from now & counter-measures O Gas flow reduced to 30% Note: Hypothetical scenarios based on various assumptions S3: Gas flow decreased to 30% from 1/11/2022 & counter-measures * Outstanding part of Capex and RC facilities (CZK 1.0bn) remain undrawn. Assumptions: Current storage level: Gas flows: 73% 30% Consumption level: 10 (B2C only) CF from B2B: None & no compensations Reactive measures since: 1/1/2023 Opex savings: Capex savings: Kurzarbeit: Tax advances: 15% 25% 20% empl. No Distributions from CGNI: No Distribution Revenues 63% B2B B2C 37% 23
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