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Investor Presentaiton

Reo Project - K4: IP Targets Improve at Depth Potential for better Mineralisation at Depth TAJIRI RESOURCES TSX-V: TAJ SECTION 100E - GRADIENT CHARGEABILITY NACO73 MAC072 FR60076 abe MRRB073 MARES077 MRRCC090 MARCOGS 80074 MRR500Z VIRREDDET MRRE0069 MRRB0066 MREBD032 MRR80070 MBBBOSS MARROS MARIOT Shown is a N-S section, looking west, along the MRRC085 drill line. Gradient array IP defines steeply north dipping mineralised zones, sub-parallel to many of the drill hole orientations. Importantly the chargeability anomaly under MRRC0085 is twice as strong below 140m depth as that at 70m and is interpreted to indicate more intense mineralisation at depth. Tantalisingly, MRDD003 drilled parallel to the interpreted dip of mineralisation, intersected 2m @ 16.8 g/t at 138m vertical depth. This hole only grazed the edge of this large IP anomaly. Sility Gradient Array Profiles 1.5 3.5 2.5 4 Chargeability Resistivity 100 100 Gradient Array Plan View 532400 E MAR90072 MRRE153RRA-MBBB1801 PARIS MRRE1598 Gradient Array Inversion 300 BL 250 RL 200 RL ARB 1598 ABB1500 RRB 1802 RDEX MBA NACO63 150 RL 100 RL MRDD 003 2m @ 16.8g/t from 160m Just Kissing 50 RL 0 RL 1370600 N Dip Suggested by Chargeability Anomaly MRR20 MRRBOOTS MPRB 80072 1371000 MAR RRB60S MRADD339 NAC634 NACO36 532400 E MRREDO17 MARB0612 RRBOC16 MRRB0014 MR0011 MRRBOCCE NACD33 RRB0015 RRB03 RRBOO MARECOG -12.5 m +12.5 m MRRB 076 [email protected]/t from 4m incl. 12m@ 4.1g/t 1371200 N RRB9815 NAC031 0 NACO32 3 RRB000 MBR84065 MRREA MRRC 085 6m @ 2.2 g/t & 3m @ 3.5g/t Drilled parallel to dip, edge of mineralization 1371400 22 22 1371600 N 300 RL 250 RL 200 RL 150 RL 100 RL 50 RL 0 RL
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