Commitment to ESG slide image

Commitment to ESG

SJWC Rate Cases/Regulatory Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) SJJJ SAN JOSE WATER SJW Group • Pending before the CPUC • All-party settlement submitted to CPUC for adoption Approximately $100 million over the next four years for AMI deployment starting in 2022 ⚫ Benefits include improved utility operations, near real-time leak detection, and enhanced water conservation for customers and utility • Meaningful benefit for customers and the environment through lower water losses Drought Response • Water Conservation Memorandum Account, Water Conservation Expense Memorandum Account and other mechanisms employed to encourage conservation while allowing the company the opportunity to earn its authorized return AMI decision expected 2Q 2022 $100 million CapEx spend timing 2022-2025 Separate from GRC capital budget request Supports conservation through near real-time access to water usage 17
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